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18 Jan 2024 03:42:30
Hi ED2.what is the status of Mbappe transfer and is there a chance for Liverpool to sign him. request an update on this transfer saga.

{Ed002's Note - Kylian Mbappe (S) Wants to move to Real Madrid but for them the financial outlay on the overall package could be too much this coming summer unless they can make significant space in the wage structure. They have made him an offer giving them time to reshape their squad if he agrees a move. There is an outside chance they will look to a deal in January and if they do they look to include a player or two in any deal. PSG would demand Rafa Marin and one of Rodrygo Goes or Vinicius Jr plus a lower fee. It would suit all parties and avoid an auction for obscene wages in the summer - but the player will likely not be open to that. A take it or leave it offer of €130 million signing-on fee, alongside wages of €60 million net per year has been offered by PSG to stay. Al-Hilal had a huge €300M offer rejected and the player may see it as too early for such a move, but they could offer the huge wages being demanded. Newcastle would not realistically be in a position to buy him and any interest from them can be discounted whilst their owners plan to take him directly to Saudi. Realistically, Madrid, Middle East, Manchester United, Manchester City, Bayern Munich and Chelsea, if they could clear significant wages from the books, are the only viable options although Juventus have a significant tax advantage over the other clubs, but the costs are still huge and they can be discounted. Chelsea could look to striking a deal including a player PSG are interested in but it is likely they will not be offering the desired wages and bonuses – but they could look for a solution - although I think it unlikely. Bayern Munich have added Harry Kane and have other priorities for the summer. Manchester United could potentially move for Mbappe if the ownership issue is completed soon but for now they are concentrating on others and it is unlikely the majority owners would agree to such a financial commitment; and advice being provided to the player would be to ignore any interest from there. Manchester City have a priority to tie down Haaland and remove a clause in his contract that will allow him to leave in the summer at a fixed fee – and they know there is interest in the player – if he were to decide to leave, then Mbappe will become a consideration. I do not see Liverpool committing to such a huge signing on fee, huge cost of wages and bonuses to be able to sign Mbappe. PSG hope that the situation forces Mbappe to invoke a one year extension - and that seems most likely if he does not agree to Real Madrid.}

Agree3 Disagree23

18 Jan 2024 09:55:10
Excellent Ed update appreciated. Is it Madrid that have the interest in Haaland? At a fixed fee he would make more sense financially than Mbappe.

I’d obviously love him to sign but as you’ve stated the money involved is ridiculous unless he agreed to coming down into our wage structure which is unlikely unless he receives a huge signing on fee.

{Ed002's Note - Yes. They would take both this summer if they could. Wages are the issue thet means it will likely be one or the other - or even neither.}

18 Jan 2024 11:18:58
Simply put we have no chance!

Thanks for such a detailed answer ED:002.

18 Jan 2024 12:39:57
I hope he moves, somewhere/ anywhere, so we aren't to have this rigmarole all over again next January and summer. It's incredibly tedious.

18 Jan 2024 16:37:55
Why do people bother asking about this? IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Much like Jude Bellingham, it is a transfer that only exists in the minds of the delusional. Mbappe will never ever play for us so just forget about it.

18 Jan 2024 19:03:45
I for one like discussing it. The fact we’re even in the conversation is flattering and confirms we are an elite team. It’s fun to dream.

18 Jan 2024 19:46:34
Seriously I would not take him at any price seems disruptive to the team spirit.

18 Jan 2024 19:48:11
Am I the only Liverpool fan who doesn’t want Mbappe? Generational talent, probably, but a good influence on the team, almost certainly not. His demands are obscene and his media proclamation’s about his own club are shameful. He would score goals, lots of them, he’d frequently delight and amaze, he’d also undermine the manager and the club if he didn’t get his own way. That is not something I’d want to see as a Liverpool fan, nobody is bigger than the club, I support players when they wear the shirt, I don’t support the players over the shirt. Might just be me though lol.

18 Jan 2024 20:52:02
We’re not in the conversation. It’s just idiots on Twitter exploiting suckers on Twitter for clicks. We’ve as much chance of signing Mbappe as Eric Pickles has of finding his todger under his fat gut, and nothing grows in the shade.

18 Jan 2024 21:31:45
@Tristan, why is it ‘incredibly tedious’ - genuine question. There are lots of things out there that I’m not interested in, so I just don’t listen to, read about or even consider, in the normal course of events.

Liverpool have survived for about 150 years without Mbappe. We’ll probably struggle by without him if he isn’t on our books next season - end of story.

18 Jan 2024 22:06:57
To hell with that! Pure greed if he really wanted Real surely he accepts their offer which I'm sure is worth 10s of millions a year!

18 Jan 2024 22:44:03
Mbappe is not going to happen nor do I have I want him at our club . not sure he is what we need at our club . is he a team player .

19 Jan 2024 02:42:42
I am a bit confused that people are questioning his attitude and how he is a detriment to the environment of the team. From what I gather, what he did was just speak out about the professionalism of Neymar, or lack thereof. Which is quite fair, I think. The media turned on him because of the false reports of why he rejected RM and also because Messi is Neymar's mate and jumped to his defence.

He definitely wants out of PSG and has huge wage demands but I don't think he is as big-headed as what the media portrays him to be.

{Ed001's Note - he did recently go through a party phase though, nothing like the nonsense reported, he even patched things up with Neymar and that was actually the problem as they began to party together. But the media definitely do have an agenda against him there. It doesn't help that he does not speak to them, and that causes issues with the media then making up nonsense to get back at him for not giving them info.}

19 Jan 2024 04:02:00
Ahh, didn't know about his party phase, Ed. And him patching things up with Neymar is a concern. One of the reasons why I like him was because he called Neymar out for his nonsense and lack of effort in training. If he's going to follow Neymar as a role model, then I agree that we should stay well clear.

{Ed001's Note - Neymar left so that is not much of an issue and he has settled down a bit with a partner, so his partying might well lessen.}

19 Jan 2024 04:51:22
Read an article hiw Mbappe is being mentored by LeBron James. There are connections to the club. Still unlikely, but fun to think about.

19 Jan 2024 06:51:31
In fairness we all went threw a partying phase!

{Ed025's Note - i still am Digger.. :)

19 Jan 2024 08:45:40
Real Madrid with Mbappe, Haaland and Bellingham - they will rattle up 20 ECL wins super quickly.

19 Jan 2024 10:26:15
Ed25. Couldn't see mbappe in the grafton could ye? ?.

19 Jan 2024 12:41:28
Love it. Funny to see how people don’t want him anywhere near the place when it’s unlikely he would be coming. If our name was high up on that list though, or if (Heaven forbid) he ended up at Anfield that’d soon change.

19 Jan 2024 22:20:49
Edd001 if we got thiago off our books and salah with Saudi sniffing were to leave this summer, is it not within possibility then we could sign mbappe and give him 500 - 600k a week for arguably the world's best player that will win us titles and champions leagues? I see it as not an option atm but realistically klopp would even see this as a no brainer if huge wages were taken off the books, 100 plus million comes in for salah and you have a super star.

19 Jan 2024 22:33:20
@QV, for 99% of teams buying Mbappe and then building a team around him. Probably the only teams who wouldn’t want to buy him and then build the team around him (which could be a very expensive business) are Real Madrid - where do they pretend to get their funding from again? and City who have a world class marketing department who seem to manage to pull off seemingly impossible business and sponsorship deals.

We are in the process of building what could be an excellent squad, capable of winning cups and perhaps titles. I’d love to see Mbappe playing for us (like virtually everybody else) but I would prefer to see where this squad can get to without the Mbapoe ‘star show’ and attendant hullabaloo. every week.

21 Jan 2024 14:16:15
Can’t argue with that WDW. I realise it’s a highly improbable transfer but regardless of the hullabaloo, in a proper decent league he’d fly. For us, he’d fly. I love how this squad is coming together, the camaraderie, the skill, excitement and potential is great. I don’t really see how a player like Mbappe wouldn’t take this team to the next level though. He’s another mo type in that he’s got a great injury record, would score for fun and would be a great team player IMO. The hullabaloo would also generate vast interest and income as well so i can’t see a downside other than having two of the front three never getting a rest. Not that it mattered with bobby and Sadio though to be fair.

I just think people make excuses for not wanting him as insulation against disappointment because we always get mentioned when his name comes up.

It’s all pie in the sky though really.



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