Liverpool rumours 66686


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01 Feb 2024 21:47:20
Alonso already spoken to ex team mates like Carragher, he wants the job. Great fit to take us forward and challenge for years to come.

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01 Feb 2024 22:52:35
Well done FSG right?

02 Feb 2024 07:35:54
Wouldn’t Xabi be better talking to the club rather than former team mates if he wants the job?

02 Feb 2024 08:25:36
It also means all these inverted LB, RB bs will be gone. Nice!

02 Feb 2024 10:13:50
Yeah what a shame Lee who wants to be top of the table, already in a final and still fighting for 4 comps.

02 Feb 2024 11:09:08
Robbo and Tsimikas are weak in the air, Gomez is much better defensively, I hope Gomez keeps his place even when Robbo and Trent are back.

02 Feb 2024 14:19:36
Xabi speaking to carra instead of fsg for the job?.

02 Feb 2024 21:37:58
is this Xabi tapping up himself? :D.

03 Feb 2024 03:58:22
Carra trying to act like the unofficial representative of LFC

He's hanging around Gary Neville so much that he's actually starting to afct like him.

I thought that Carra had more class than that. clearly not!

03 Feb 2024 08:53:47
JLC stop talking rubbish. The whole thing is a rumour and Carra has said he and Xabi occasionally message. So your “class” comment is pathetic.

03 Feb 2024 11:57:26
Are the press back to tapping phones again then?

03 Feb 2024 11:57:36
Just to add, Cara lost any remnants of class when he spat in someone’s (girl? ) face, imo.

03 Feb 2024 22:24:55
Yo Frode
Not sure exactly what you understood by my comment, but it was directed at the fact that Carra should stop hanging around Neville. it was more of a dig at Neville

I'll draw pictures for you next time.

03 Feb 2024 22:59:34
@Faith that definitely should be banned if it isn’t already.

I am getting reports (isn’t that what people say these days) that Jurgen has arranged a little presentation for Xabi late in May when he hands over the keys to the caravan parked under the central pier at Blackpool, subject to the tide being out on 5he day, of course.



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