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27 Nov 2023 11:49:42
Only just got round to watching the match - Ali's usual pinpoint kicking was slightly off, some good saves though.

My question - why do we seem to struggle so badly away to City? I know it isn't just us and they have an impressive home record, but what is it that seems to make an away win for us impossible? It certainly isn't an intimidating atmosphere for the players. It just seems every time we play them away, a draw is the best we can hope for.

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27 Nov 2023 12:47:32
Too much respect given from opponents in my opinion. Same as United in the 90s.

27 Nov 2023 13:24:00
Yeah I don’t understand how playing the best team in the world away from home is such a struggle, it’s a mystery.

27 Nov 2023 13:45:14
What's wrong with accepting that they have shown themseles to be the most dominant and best team in the EPL for the last decade? And maybe that's why it has been so difficult for us (and almost everybody else) to win on their home ground?

I would just add a disclaimer to the above that it does not take into view the financial strength they have nor the FPP charges they are facing at present. You can both argue that it's purely 11 men against 11 on the field so this shouldn't matter, or this matters very much because who you put out on the field makes a difference.

{Ed077's Note - but, but, Guardiola says they are innocent ;-D}

27 Nov 2023 13:51:08
OP, how many teams have won consistently up there? That is the question really and the answer is next to none apart from Brentford last season and Spurs the season before.

And you said it yourself that all teams struggle up there. Madrid got battered mercilessly in the CL last season at the same ground so essentially, you just answered your own question within the same paragraph. This ain't hard, bro.

27 Nov 2023 14:12:35
Oli, saying all teams struggle doesn't really answer the question, no. I think you and Thunderbird probably misunderstand the point of the question - LFC have realistically been the only team to seriously challenge City consistently yet despite playing some of the bet football in generations, we consistently seem to struggle away to City. Saying 'they're the best team in the world' doesn't really add much to the conversation - we are more than capable of beating City and have been for several years. Is it a mental block, do City employ different tactics when playing at home?

This is the type of conversation I was hoping to initiate, but sorry if you found the question too difficult, bro.

27 Nov 2023 16:07:03
Liverpool rarely win at City, City rarely win at Anfield, playing good teams away from home is hard, there is no deeper reason that you are looking for.

27 Nov 2023 16:27:07
When was the last time City beat us at Anfield? Whether we believe it or not home advantage gives you an edge and makes it difficult for the away team.

City are a really good team and Liverpool are their closest rivals, they can’t afford to lose to Liverpool at home so there’s a bit more effort from them against us. As there is from us against them.

Both teams know how big these games are and what they can mean in the bigger picture. A draw at City is a great result all day, every day.

27 Nov 2023 16:49:54
Stuie, I will ignore your wretched attempt at insulting others who disagree with you and focus on the actual topic, if you don't mind. Based on the actual facts, nobody beats City at the Etihad, end of. Not Wolves, Bournmouth nor us. Neither does PSG nor Real Madrid who got battered there just last season. There are a lot more receipts where all that came from, btw.

Also and more importantly, City had a 23 game winning streak till we pulled up and snatched a well-deserved point to end the streak. So if those are all provable facts (which they are) then please, enlighten me on what part of your question and my answer) is difficult for you to understand?

You thinking that we are capable of beating City on their patch is just an opinion that means nothing when the facts bare out the absolute opposite of such an opinion. City are strong at home. LFC are strong at Anfield and those are the facts based on the numbers over the past 3/ 4 years. It is what it is, your insults notwithstanding.

27 Nov 2023 18:32:30
A lot of refs tend to favour the home teams.

27 Nov 2023 19:06:07
Our record is not awful there. We have achieved 4 draws and 2 wins in 11 visits since Klopp joined.

Quite a few of them were 12:30 kickoffs - which we tend to struggle with in general, whether it is City away or Everton/ Bournemouth away.

One of the defeats (18/ 19) season was probably the highest quality game I have ever witnessed. We lost that thanks to some fine margins and thanks to Kompany not getting punished for the wild tackle on Salah.

The other three drubbings had some context if it matters - one, Mane was imo harshly sent off, two, we had celebrated our first title in 30 years the night before and three, last season our midfield legs were gone.

I do agree that we could perform better there but I also think Klopp teams thrive on atmosphere when playing big games, even if hostile. You press with more energy, play with more aggression and become more clinical due to a heightened focus/ jeopardy. If more of these games had been evening games, I think we'd have a better record there.

27 Nov 2023 18:42:08
“Why do we seem to struggle so badly away to City” ??? Thank you, that made me laugh.

27 Nov 2023 19:30:26
Hello Oli. You just insulted me in the below thread. #JustSaying.

28 Nov 2023 02:06:07
probably cos city are quite a good side.
They've struggled at Anfield in recent years too.
Think it's just two great teams playing their best at home.
Although I must say, we've been them at the Etihad far more times over the last 20 years then they've beaten us at Anfield!



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