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24 Jan 2024 19:31:06
What is your opinion on the Fowler Owen debate? I'd have to go with Owen I feel Fowler was possibly the most overrated player of his generation simply because he was Scouse. Excellent finishing but no pace no passing and no hold up play and that's why he wasn't picked by England or houllier. As unlikeable as Owen is he was better than mbappe will ever be.

Agree2 Disagree0

24 Jan 2024 19:55:57
I think I’ll get the popcorn out for this fishing expedition ?.

{Ed025's Note - i was thinking of taking some of the illegal substances that the OP has obviously been taking COTG..

24 Jan 2024 20:01:00
Weak trolling effort.

0/ 10.

24 Jan 2024 20:12:33
I agree, Owen Hargreaves was better than mbappe will ever be. I'm glad someone finally said it.

24 Jan 2024 20:38:28
Some people are just desperate for attention.

24 Jan 2024 21:00:01
Has KnickerBollox changed his user name?

24 Jan 2024 21:00:32
It seems our own personal chief scout NicolBecker has changed his username to a more fitting one, I can't see any other explanation. I mean surely you only get this level of rationale and scouting insight if you've done it for 20 years AND been the one who secretly discovered Henry.

24 Jan 2024 22:52:35
He worked hard from Monday to Saturday. And then Fowler rested on Sunday.

24 Jan 2024 22:54:13
Joking aside, I liked Fowler more, he somehow seemed to have class to his game, and he was a riot as a bloke. However, Owen was pure class, I mean he won a Ballon D’Or. For a period he was undoubtedly the best striker on the planet. In terms of pure football ability I’d have to go with Owen. In terms of who I liked more as both a Liverpool player and a person, it’s Fowler all day long.

25 Jan 2024 05:37:22
I'm gona bite.
Everyone is entitled to thier opinion. But the op opinion is clearly wrong.
One is called God
The other is a little gobrubbish.

25 Jan 2024 06:07:43
Obvious troll is obvious.

25 Jan 2024 06:14:14
Fowler overated ability no, rose tinted glasses yes, Owen overated? , not until somebody said he was the best player in Europe .

25 Jan 2024 07:29:27
Nobody can defend against any of my points, Robbie was slow and overweight, lacked any physicals or link up play and was carried by rush. Phenomenal finisher but that's all. Why wasn't he picked for England?

Owen won the balondor and in his prime was as good as r9 or any striker ever.

Amazing how tribal fans get over him because he's Scouse he has two good seasons carried by rush then got fat and took drugs.

25 Jan 2024 07:30:28
OP, There isn’t one. Next.

25 Jan 2024 07:39:47
Lol not guilty your honour I do spout nonsense at times but this is of the scale. Fowler had everything and the touch of a Brazilian he had it all. And yes I spotted Henry during France 98 and said he was going to be something else. Also watched Salah play against Chelsea for Basel and said the same so I know my players no doubt. 2 of the best to hit the Prem. I also thought Jota was a terrible signing so don’t get them all right.

25 Jan 2024 11:44:56
You'll soon cock up switching between accounts.
Like the Firminos Teeth numpty did.

25 Jan 2024 12:09:40
"As unlikeable as Owen is he was better than mbappe will ever be. "

OP I was with you and then, that last part with Mbappe happened.

25 Jan 2024 18:52:52
Fowler was carried by Rush? Fowler would’ve been about 10 years old when Rush was in his pomp in the mid eighties. In fact Rushie probably could’ve carried him, on his shoulders around Chester Zoo.

I’d say it is the other way around. Fowler was the one with all of the ability and Owen was all pace and little else. Owen’s pace was unplayable until his hamstring issues took a yard off him. After that he was half the player as his pace was his main weapon.

Fowler was one of the best finishers to ever grace the premier league. He didn’t have great pace but made up for it with intelligence and ability. The fact he didn’t get picked for England is completely irrelevant. Says more about England’s managers at the time who won absolutely nothing than it does about Fowler.

{Ed025's Note - im with you BP..

26 Jan 2024 00:04:30
England tended to prefer a guy called Shearer as number 9.
He wasn't a bad player either ?

Owen versus Fowler?
Owen would react to play and get into the right position.
Fowler predicted play and then was in the right position.

26 Jan 2024 08:31:11
Owen flattered to deceive with his pace, particularly when he was a kid.

Fowler had it all over him for. Everything else - football intelligence, reading the game, natural finishing, you name it.

Fowler was a better player and finisher too but he wasn’t the idol of 5he pres# that Shearer was.



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