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28 Oct 2023 09:11:37
I have to say I’m still not convinced by Nunez. For me causing chaos could equally mean headless chicken. I think that both he and Jota have their faults. Jota is a natural goal scorer rather than a natural footballer. He isn’t going to change but at least you get what it says on the tin and he is an asset to the squad. I’m not sure what Nunez needs to do to become more consistent or reliable. He’s capable of exceptional finishing (like the Newcastle match) but he’s also more than capable of ‘fluffing his lines’. Who knows, maybe that’s what Klopp wants - a bit of unpredictability but, at present, I don’t think either of them really warrant a starting spot.

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28 Oct 2023 09:59:22
WDW Nunez is not the finished article yet, but he has made big gains thus far, his left foot finish against Toulouse top of the net was sublime, he’s got 2 feet he can finish with, he’s more composed now.

Also did u see him chase back after his error to regain the ball, although he nearly gave up (lack of call), he retained possession for the team, that was really encouraging imo.

Maybe he needs confidence shown in him as opposed negative vibes.

28 Oct 2023 10:01:34
I couldn’t disagree more. I really like Jota and think he has been an asset for us since his arrival and is a great option of the bench etc. however, Nunez has looked great this season. His all round game has improved, defenders cannot handle his pace and strength. Yes his finishing can improve but I think it is more a composure thing rather than anything else has he has also scored plenty classy finishes. He also creates a lot for others, not necessarily in assists but in how he creates space and drags defenders around. For me he is in best front 3, of Diaz, Nunez and salah!

28 Oct 2023 10:08:05
Personally I think Nunez has shown great strides this season. His link up play isn’t perfect by any means but it’s improved massively (especially between him and Salah) . His composure isn’t quite there yet but it does seem to have improved and will only get better as his confidence goes up.

I’m not a fan of Jota at all and I think we struggle when he starts for us. Darwin should be starting up front for us in every game to let him get a run of games and hopefully goals, Jota is much more suited to a spot of super sub.

All a game of opinions tho man.

28 Oct 2023 10:22:47
I was of similar opinion prior to the season starting based on last seasons performances but I’ll be honest Nunez hold up and link up play this season has been really impressive.

For me he’s been the best of the 3 (centre forwards) but in fairness of Jota’s 11 appearances 6 of them have been on the left side and from Gakpo’s 8 two of them were in midfield.

I think the fact those 3 can play in a number of positions in the front 3 is testament.

The so called No 1 forward in the League Haaland is an absolute goal machine but he offers very little else in hold up and link up play also.

All other clubs would love have strength in depth and quality of squad but for some unknown reason some Liverpool fans are more concerned with wage bills and selling players over squad quality.

Why have an international 5th choice quality forward on the bench to change the game and rotate when you can have 40 mill in the club accounts.

28 Oct 2023 10:26:45
Nunez 5goals and 5 assists in about 550 minutes of football. If he carries on like that I can suck up the odd brain fart.

Despite the narrative on here sometime I also think Jota is a very good player 5 goals this season. Plenty of room for both in my opinion. Game time a plenty ?.

28 Oct 2023 10:31:33
You're not watching properly if you equate what Nunez has been doing this season as a headless chicken.

28 Oct 2023 11:34:23
West Derby Wanderer3, calling Darwin a headless chicken tells me you do NOT watch him play at all which is what I expect from a rival fan, sadly. Also, comparing Jota to Nunez is as false a comparison as you will ever find, IMO. Based on actual raw footballing ability and all round quality, Jota is nowhere near in the same league as Darwin despite Jota being at LFC a lot longer than Darwin (2 year diff. ) and being older and more experienced in the PL.

Also the improvement that Darwin has made and continues to make in his all round game is clear a day for all to see yet Jota's all round game is still severely lacking and at times, arguably getting worse. Darwin is cleaning up his acts with every game he plays. Jota? Can't say the same, IMO. You say you don't know what he needs to do to get better? Man again, I don't know what you are seeing or watching if you believe that statement. IMO, Darwin should continue to do exactly what he is doing right now cos the results are there.

You actually debunked your own point. You said Jota won't change YET Darwin is changing and improving immensely so does that not mean Darwin is better and can get even better cos he is "changing" right before our very eyes?

Now to be clear, I would not sell Jota cos he is still an asset to the team and a good goalscoring option to have BUT I think you've scored an own goal here with your assessment of both players, IMO. Peace and Love.

28 Oct 2023 15:28:38
Nunez is a starter and Jota is 4th or 5th choice.

Nunez's all round play is vastly superiour this season. Yeah he missed a sitter on Thursday, did you see his footwork to get there in the 1st place. The way he goes by defenders is phenomenal. Jota's goal, he tries that countless times and it never usually comes off. He is a better natural finisher than Nunez tho.

Nunez will continue to get better and this is frightening. Jota has reached his ceiling.

28 Oct 2023 16:39:06
I love nunez. Even when he misses sitters you can’t help but to like him. He has calmed himself down this season is the first thing I’ve noticed, when he masters the language he will become even better. He loves us and the adulation he gets from the fans even when he misses sitters etc. it’s like he’s got 50 thousand family members in the ground. I love him and Elliot from the bench as double sub you just know some is going to happen. We have plenty of options for starting and all probably deserve to but for me Nunez is being handled brilliantly and I next season he will be like Salah undroppable.

28 Oct 2023 17:33:21
OP perhaps try and watch him with an open mind and not one stuffed with preconceived thoughts? That guy will be a huge huge asset for us sooner than later. His desire and willingness to improve is something to be impressed by surely? For sure I'm impressed.

28 Oct 2023 20:44:24
Nunez is just on a different planet to most strikers. He’s been unfairly nicknamed captain chaos which makes it sound like he doesn’t know what he’s doing and some people get sucked in by that.

He misses chances. Haaland misses chances too. The fact is the work he puts in to get the chances is pure quality so more goals will come.

I remember everyone saying Suarez couldn’t finish in his first couple of seasons too.

29 Oct 2023 11:31:41
As great a goal maching as Haaland is, he is also a sitter-missing machine and outperforms Nunez for missing them and easy chances and for fun too YET Darwin would miss one and he will be a meme for the week by his unrepentant haters whereas Haaland? It's a Tuesday.

29 Oct 2023 11:38:29
I shall watch harder, promise ?

I remain unconvinced but hopefully, the majority view that he isn’t the finished article will be proved right.



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