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11 Feb 2024 16:25:33
Sly Sports had to change a controversial headline on the liverpool win, trying to dim the lights on a good hard fought victory, now we know they are part of the, against liverpool crowd. YNWA.

Agree5 Disagree0

11 Feb 2024 17:06:31
I thrive on the fact everyone hates Liverpool ?.

{Ed014's Note - sounding more and more like United fans every week!

11 Feb 2024 18:11:17
I dunno the ref in the Villa - United game certainly doesn't hate United, some very questionable decisions and they're still drawing as things stand. The manager is a con man and long may he reign.

11 Feb 2024 18:33:38
Karma will win out.

11 Feb 2024 19:44:29
Ed14, more like Arsenal fans really cos many of your own fans have been saying the exact same thing LFC08 has said all thru the season. Witnessed this with my own eyes.

Now, my main point is that near every fan base of any of the Utd, Chelsea, LFC and Arsenal think their club is the most hated. None of these clubs are immuned to such beliefs, IMO.

{Ed014's Note - I don’t do social media, I just do these pages and I never see any gunner post everyone hates us.

I see people hating on us but I couldn’t give a toss about bitter opposing fans to be honest.

On here it’s now you and United who say everyone hates us!

It’s not a good look.

11 Feb 2024 21:02:02
Agree with you there, Ed014.

{Ed014's Note - I thought most liked Liverpool and Klopp too, well except United obvs.

12 Feb 2024 04:41:46
Sky sports spent a week giving eulogies to Klipp. If that's hating us, I'd like more of it.

12 Feb 2024 00:15:14
Agree Ed14, the siege mentality isn’t rooted in reality. Some fans don’t like other teams. (Some of) The fans of these teams can read way too much into. As you say the exception is United ?.

{Ed014's Note - spot on mate! United are in a league of their own with their global stupidity ?‍♂️?

12 Feb 2024 08:34:44
This time last season you had certain posters on here who openly hated certain Liverpool players and coaches.
I don't get that mentality at all, but each to their own.

12 Feb 2024 14:04:49
I think it’s safe to say that most opposition fans don’t like us. Klopp’s a hypocrite, always the victims, we’ve all heard some of the disgusting things they say about us on a regular basis.

Personally I couldn’t give a toss. They don’t have any opinion about you when you’re not successful so people hating us means we are winning things. Long may it continue.

12 Feb 2024 09:16:41
Calm down lads. I'm sure ED14 just meant we are a bunch of Muppets. Idiots with half brains. Inbred simpletons.

I'm sure he just mispoke when he called us "like Man United fans".

Isn't that right Ed?
You meant to former right? Please Ed! Please tell us you meant the former and we re not like Man United fans.

{Ed014's Note - ? of course you’re not mate, that would be the ultimate insult being like those clowns! ?

12 Feb 2024 11:33:22
ED014, All I'm saying is that a part of every fan base of every club I mentioned does that and that includes Arsenal. It is what it is and that was my only point.

And for the record and just like you personally, I don't care who hates on LFC, really and never have. The club I support for near 4 decades is the most successful in Britain. My club is what all these other clubs are trying to be so hating on my club is a badge of honour. You know why? Cos "If you ain't got no haters then, you're not relevant". That's just what it is.

{Ed014's Note - agree Oli ?

12 Feb 2024 12:41:49
You'd a great result yesterday Ed14, proper hammered them (pun intended lol) - personally, I think it's great - 3 teams going full throttle for the title - 14 games to go!

I got to say though, I've always had a soft spot for Arsenal going back as far as the Bruce Rioch days lol - loved Bergkamp, such a quality player and Henry was amazing too - well, I say always, but it took me a few years to get over the Michael Thomas incident lol, I was young then but man that hurt!

I like the Arsenal pages too, no real animosity towards other teams just a debate on what went well, what could have went better etc and are welcoming to poster from other pages.

Like you I couldn't care what others say about the team, if anything the constant criticisms and double standards teams get at times can be real good motivators.

I'm honestly not convinced by Arteta, but has you playing well and has created a good team to his credit, just something about him I'm just not sure about but hey, take nothing away from the team or their fans ?.

{Ed014's Note - thanks Bill and I think Arteta needs to win something to prove himself to be in the big league and not just the FA Cup.

I think we all really like him because he’s got rid of the weak lazy spineless attitude that was stinking the place out and he, Edu and Josh Kroenke, to the latters credit off loaded some toxic deadwood.

He’s definitely growing on me.

13 Feb 2024 13:30:59
That's a fair point Ed14, he's definitely gotten rid of that lazy. spineless attitude that was there and your players look like they will all genuinely give their all for the shirt.

Glad he gave Saliba a chance, looks a cracker though I thought Baloguan (spelling lol) might get a chance too, he was tearing it up on loan.

You've a few good players and a decent spine tbh - could possibly improve upon Raya, though I thought Ramsdale was a 'picture in the paper' type when he made saves, always over elaborate and unnecessary. Defence is fairly solid and Rice is a great addition to the midfield, it's looking pretty decent tbh - up front you have decent options out wide, particularly Saka, but think you lack a proper striker - Jesus just isn't that and a Haaland or Harry Kane type and you would be a lot better.

Looking much better than you were though and like I said, I always had a soft spot for Arsenal - hope you finish above City this season, 2nd to us obviously lol - good luck for the rest of the season!

{Ed014's Note - The wife is a Liverpool supporter and so is my stepson who has god knows how many Liverpool shirts, including a signed one from the 2000/2001 season when you won 3 trophies! ?‍♂️

I really like all our players Bill and there’s very few I’d swap for others and really only Raya and Jesus, who I really like and would keep even if we got a top striker as he’s a menace right along the front three.

I love Partey and he’s immense when fit but that’s his issue and we do need to replace him sooner rather than later.

Good luck to you to mate, second to us won’t be a bad thing ???



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