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04 Nov 2023 19:23:06
I can't really believe it's not corruption at this point. How that goal stood is beyond my comprehension. Such a joke.

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04 Nov 2023 19:39:35
Arsenal should just get over it.

That's what we were told after the Spurs game, at least.

04 Nov 2023 20:01:10
It's a disgrace and an embarrassment.

Ha Ha Ha Ha.

Arteta is a disgrace. Not just because of what happened today, but because of his style of getting his players to cheat to get an advantage

Was it a disgrace that Havertz didn't get sent off, was it a disgrace that Vieira goes down holding his face after being pushed in the shoulder?

Football is becoming a game of moaners and groaners who throw their toys out of the cot at every opportunity that goes against them.

I can understand why the goal was given, there is no way that any of those incidents were clear cut in terms of being dissallowed.

04 Nov 2023 20:02:32
Looked miles out I thought.

04 Nov 2023 20:21:22
It looked miles out to me too. But the biggest joke was the Guimaraes assault on Jorginho. If I do that to someone on the street, it might very well get me booked. But he somehow escapes any card.

04 Nov 2023 20:30:57
Was extremely tough that.

It did look out but it’s not the best camera angle. Newcastle fans say it’s not a foul whilst arsenal fans will say it was.

The offside was tight but they didn’t draw lines.

I thought Guimeraes should have been sent off more than Havertz for his elbow off the ball.

The Havertz tackle if his lead foot takes the player is dangerous and red but it’s his trail foot that makes contact and you see about 20 of them a game every weekend in grass roots.

Players are too pampered and cry babies these days. As little as 20 years ago when tackles were allowed it’s hardly like there were career ending tackles happening regularly.

04 Nov 2023 20:49:44
They all had a chance to call it out after the spurs game and make a concerted effort to change things. They backed the officials and you reap what you sow.

04 Nov 2023 21:11:45
Arsenal looked crap to me tonight.

04 Nov 2023 21:32:20
The whole of the ball over the whole of the line. Didn’t see conclusive proof to show otherwise. Arteta a disgrace as per.

04 Nov 2023 21:36:14
Lots of talking points in that game and yet again the officials are the stars of the show.

The ball looked out but without a camera directly above the ball it’s impossible to say with any certainty that it was. In that case VAR has to go with the on field decision.

Was it a foul? Another subjective decision and the ref didn’t give it and it was clear and obvious so they can’t give it.

The offside is the one Arsenal should be most aggrieved with. Raya is passed Gordon so the only defender in between him and the goal is Gabriel. Then you have to see if Gordon is in front of the ball when it comes off Joelinton. The only camera angle VAR have is behind Joelinton so they can’t see the ball to put lines up so they give the goal.

For me you can clearly see that Gordon’s knee is ahead of Joelinton so has to be ahead of the ball which renders him offside. The ball comes off Joelinton’s left thigh so it’s not too difficult to work out where the ball is. But I suppose if the can’t see it they can’t give it.

It will be compared to the Diaz goal but the officials have given the decision they thought was right at the time. As we all know with Diaz’s goal they gave the correct decision and failed to see it implemented. Totally different scenario.

As others have said though, suck it up Arsenal that’s what we were told and ours was a million times worse than that.

04 Nov 2023 21:36:45
The Havertz "tackle " had the potential to be a career ender. Off the ground, straight leg, and studs showing, red card all day every day.

04 Nov 2023 21:52:56
WYred, I said the same thing after our Spurs game. I was sure farcical decisions would continue, and they have, and more will come before the season is over.

The goal should have been disallowed because the ball certainly looked like it had gone out. In earlier seasons they were using both vertical and horizontal lines for judging offsides, with little regard to the angle of the shot. If they had done that here, they could have confirmed the ball was out. The "circumference of the ball" nonsense spouted is just to placate the fans. Even Dermot Gallagher stated that the ball was out post match. And the foul by Guimaeres was pure assault. He got to Jorginho so much later after the ball had already been passed off, that I still don't understand that non-call even now. And how do you land on a player's head with forearm and elbow when you're not even in the air and there is no momentum carrying you forward with that arm action, other than your intentions to inflict pain?

04 Nov 2023 22:13:33
Something Red, exactly. We warned them about this. We warned those Arsenal fans telling us to suck it up and keep it moving or better yet, "cry more" but they wouldn't listen. So they should take their own advisce and do the very same things they told LFC to do when we were fihhting for justice and transparency.

That said, the officiating was a shambles on both sides. How Guimaraes and Havertz finished that game, I will never understand. As for Arteta, I am hoping he will be getting the same treatment as Klopp got for berating the officials. His GK is worse than Ramsdale and Havertz is a dud. His tactics and inability to change things up? No comment.

And frankly, Arsenal did not deserve to win the game cos they did not take enuff risks. Newcastle were not good either BUT they went for it continuously and as they say, fortune favors the brave.

04 Nov 2023 23:33:12
The ball wasn’t out and Havertz wasn’t a red, he caught him with his trailing foot that wasn’t high. Football has gone far too soft if people think that’s a red. There will be no contact soon.

05 Nov 2023 07:15:11
I love the idea of being booked for assaulting someone in the street Koparmy ?.

05 Nov 2023 08:11:53
Mikel Arteta after Liverpool had a rightful goal disallowed v Spurs:

“They are trying to make the best decisions. We need to understand that mistakes happen. ” ?

Karma is a bitch!

05 Nov 2023 08:41:23
Arteta and Arsenal fans need to think about how annoyed they are right now with that goal being given.

Then they need to imagine that the VAR had said the ball was out and it’s no goal but miscommunicated that to the ref and the goal was mistakenly given.

Then the VAR has sat there and said ‘I can’t do anything’ knowing that an illegal goal had just been given.

Then and only then can they come close to what happened to us at Spurs.

{Ed001's Note - you forgot about all the other fans then telling them to stop whining and that it is only Arsenal so who cares?}

05 Nov 2023 08:50:38
Mark, Havertz could have been sent off for a second yellow on his challenge on Wilson where he gets the ball BUT cleans him out. Bruno should have been sent off at least twice over as well hence, my view that both should/ could have been sent off.

05 Nov 2023 09:10:55
Oh the irony. We were all told to “pipe down and get on with it” because mistakes happen after the Spurs VAR debacle. Now subjective decisions with and understandable reasoning as to why the goal wasn’t disallowed and Arteta is embarrassed to be playing in this league. Maybe when every club in the league feels as aggrieved as we did a few weeks back they will realise a bit of solidarity could have made a difference when it mattered at objectively one of the worst decisions made in the premier league era.
In the meantime I look forward to telling Arsenal fans, and fans of any other team on the recovering end going forward to “pipe down and get on with it. ”.

05 Nov 2023 13:22:19
So I have actually watched it back and I think you can make an argument for the refs and how they got to the decision.

The ball ‘going our’ looks out on some angles and in on others. There is no conclusive proof so you need to stick with the officials.

The foul isn’t given due to the way the Arsenal defender goes down. He exaggerates the move calling into question the force of the challenge. Side note on this, MOTD whine about slowing things down, then proceed to slow it down to back up Keown.

And the offside the ball appears to go backwards.

All are subjective decisions imo and it then comes down to the bar for clear and obvious. But nothing to warrant Artetas rant. Mere mistakes or different opinions.

As for the other decisions;

Havertz maybe should of gone but he was saved by where he made impact.

Bruno knows exactly what he was doing with the elbow and just got a way with it. On another day either of these could be red.

However this all comes down to managers and pundits putting aside their allegiance and calling it as it is. Until the Howes and Artetas come out and give a balanced view nothing will improve as one side will always be happy so the PGMOL don’t get the scrutiny they deserve.

05 Nov 2023 14:05:15
Ed01, you can add the incompetent Vincent Kompany to the list of managers who said what Arteta said after the PGMOL awarded Spurs the points vs us. He said the same thing and then, last wee he was crying about how he did not understand why VAR did not award his team the goal where Jay Rodriguez was judged to be offside. Trust me, they will ALL get what's coming to them for making self-serving comments like that.

And you know who I am most waiting for? The media hyped Ange Postecoglu who said the same thing after the Spurs heist, sticking the boot in and lecturing us to just accept that mistakes will be made, suck it up and move on. We will see what he comes out with when this happens to him cos we all know it will.



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