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05 Nov 2023 09:03:08
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West Derby Wanderer3 has written an article entitled, Are Most Premier League Football Matches Really Fixed?

Agree2 Disagree0

05 Nov 2023 11:04:49
Not fixed in a sense that the result is predetermined. I think both teams are genuinely going for it every game.

Refereeing is a crisis on the game at the moment. England should have had a long suspension as what he did is very suspicious and brought sporting integrity into disrepute. At least in my eyes.
A long suspension would have sent the right message. The decision he made and how he came to it, his actions were outrageous. That in addition to other contentious decisions during the game. He should be serving a long ban which would have gone some way to restoring faith.

Other decisions across the board are contentious but not quite as blatantly suspicious. But because of England's actions, the whole refereeing is noww in crisis.

05 Nov 2023 12:11:47
I don’t think all games are fixed per se, but I do think that officials are taking payments to lead some games to a certain outcome. It’s so easy for them to do as so many decisions in football are very subjective. VAR has just given them more control over the decisions as they can be so much more calculated.

The Spurs game was the most blatant example of it and a game where the officials actually made it very obvious to anyone with an open enough mind to see it. The way the VAR handled the Jones red card, the 2 ridiculous yellows for Jota, the reluctance to send Udogie off and of course the refusal to award a legal goal when they knew they had made a massive error (if you believe it was an error in the first place and not done on purpose) . The worst part about it was the way the ref was stopping Liverpool from breaking at the end by pulling us back for free kicks in our own half when at one point we had won a corner! It was like they were terrified that Liverpool might score and win the game even after all the help they had given Spurs.

So there is no doubt in my mind that the officials are purposely affecting results in certain games. I don’t think it’s in all games and I don’t think it’s always just against one team but it is happening. My guess would be betting syndicates paying the officials or even threatening them as they could make millions if they know which team is likely to win before a ball is kicked.

05 Nov 2023 12:41:21
hi had an uncle who always said that bookies are definitely involved in fixing games and I had always thought he was rubbish

Basis is I come from a place where players aren't paid very well and its understandable why there may be corruption, even though very long bans have been handed out to players caught previously. but PL with millionaires? i thought no chance. but then he shared, its about the officials, managers, not the players.

he has always been adamant that the PL is not immune to such issues and also shared that some coaches, including Klopp, loves football too much to be involved, hence it can be harder for teams he manage to win. he did share also that some very big named managers throughout the world has been in on it since they started their careers and a particular one whom had no issues being involved is right now in the PL and is widely regarded as a managerial genius (i'll leave you to make your minds up who that may be)

i have always thought his speculations and allegations are nonsense, but the more this season has gone on, the more i am compelled to believe he is right. and he did explain match fixing isn't quite what we may think it is at the highest levels as it'll be too easy to spot especially when not everyone is in on it. but it is about having officials influencing how games can be and giving the side they favor the maximum advantage they can possibly get. so when the margins are so close, these advantages should typically get them the results they are hoping for.

he's always made outrageous claims, but he's also more in the know about the dark things in this world than i. so was he right? on the basis of what we are seeing this season, with VAR now used a cover up mistakes, and even when its outright wrongful decisions, just apologize, i did think he's claims are seemingly more and more true.

05 Nov 2023 13:55:40
I don't understand why you continue to watch, if you think officials are determining the outcome of games, because I wouldn't watch if I thought that.

05 Nov 2023 14:16:58
Based upon the testimonies of various ex-players of american football who say the outcome is already decided before they set onto the field, along with the corruption we know which factually exists in other european football leagues, added to the very suspicious and continuous refereeing "mishaps" in the Prem, i would suggest the integrity of the english game has been compromised. Every level of society is corrupt (but that's another topic), why should premier league football be immune from it? How we go about fixing the problem is the real question, as corruption usually starts at people that are untouchable.

05 Nov 2023 14:39:27
Corruption doesn't just extend to the outcome of a match. these days people are able to bet on various things such as number of corners, bookings etc. I think fixing games to a certain result in the PL wouldn't be feasible as there is far too much coverage and would need to involve too many people.
However, fixing things like the number of bookings in a game or certain individuals being booked would be far more likely in my opinion as this is more controllable, as only individuals would need to be complicit.

05 Nov 2023 15:07:32
Stuie I’m sure that spot bet fixing is rife as it’s very easy to do and nobody would question it.

When you talk about match fixing it’s not all 22 players going out onto a pitch knowing it will be 3-0 today. The officials will just make sure that any remotely subjective decisions will go the way they need them to so they can subtly push a result in a certain direction. I’m sure sometimes the results don’t go as they had planned as they can’t find a reason to disallow a goal or give a penalty etc.

Elliott that’s how they get away with it because too many people bury their heads in the sand and deny it’s happening because they are scared of what that would mean. We all have a choice to make you either stop watching, deny it’s happening or keep watching even though you know it’s happening. I know it’s happening but have watched and supported Liverpool FC for my whole life and couldn’t stop if I wanted to. It’s part of who I am.

05 Nov 2023 15:23:15
I don’t think they’re fixed at all and I’m pretty sure some ref would have been caught before now. There has been a brave few players caught in the same time.

05 Nov 2023 15:24:43
Without going into detail, I have a friend of a friend who played over 50 games for arsenal not so long ago.
He now plays in the lower leagues somewhere in the UK and gave my friend a 'hot tip' to put a substantial amount of money on a match as the player knew that certain players were going to ensure a certain match ended a certain way. Needless to say, a lot of people made a lot of money and there were zero repercussions.

05 Nov 2023 15:28:37
On the subject of betting try and stick a pound on Newcastle replacing the banned Tonali with Neves from Saudi on loan in Jan window to fall inside FFP.

05 Nov 2023 21:23:45
Hey Stuie
Without naming names a friend of mine is a betting firm intelligence officer and if there are any substantial bets piling on they investigate before paying out.
So although your source may be telling the truth, nobody made a huge amount of cash/
BTW I love this conspiracy theory.

05 Nov 2023 22:48:58
Hi langland, certainly no conspiracy theory and I have no means of confirming the amounts involved, my friend certainly didn't make hundreds of thousands from it! My whole point was, I know for a fact it is happening and yes, it wasn't the a PL game on this occasion, but when people are able to make money from things that are not results based during a match, it certainly opens up the possibility as only individuals are required to be corrupted, minimizing the risk of being caught. I'm sure the intelligence teams are good, but they can't have a 100% record.



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