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26 Nov 2023 12:11:55
Morning ed001 and fellow reds. What did you think of Trent's performance yesterday? Personally I thought he did well against a good player and I'm so convinced he can play that number 6 role i would like to see him get a run of games there as it would so help the balance of the side with Gomez at right back and ditch that hybrid role. Only my opinion though
Up the pool.

{Ed001's Note - I am with you on both Trent's performance and wanting him to get a run in midfield.}

Agree7 Disagree7

26 Nov 2023 12:32:35
Coulred, I thought Trent was very good 1 v 1 vs Doku has tricks and ll that BUT his end product still needs some work and it showed cos Trent was shoing Doku towards his left foot where his end product would never have hurt us bar the Haaland chance that Ali saved.

Trent defended him intelligently, IMO and tho he was partly culpable for the Haaland goal along with Szob but he more than held his own overall, IMO. Now can he play the DM role, we will have to see.

26 Nov 2023 13:10:24
I think I'd like to see him as 8 to be honest with a new monster signing in the six and perhaps Bradley given a shot at the RB.

I think we need a defensive beast shield in the 6. Nothing would improve us more in my opinion.

Problem with my thoughts though is the squad is overloaded with 8s. And I like a lot of them. Some real good players would miss out.

26 Nov 2023 13:48:09
It’s quite interesting that 3 (Elliot, Szob and Jones) of our current midfielders are actually converted and were once all wide forwards.

Throw into that Mac is being asked to play as Dm and then we could also see Trent play in there and a centre half in Gomez playing right back.

Pep gets called the tinker man because he over complicates things but we seem to be happy with suggesting our players are chopping and changing positions.

Not a criticism but an observation.

26 Nov 2023 14:21:35
City fans might be Calling Klopp a tinker man @ JK ??.

26 Nov 2023 16:57:42
I don’t know where it’s come from but this whole crucifying defenders for being dribbled past is insane.

Over a 90 minute match defenders will get beat, attackers aim all game is to do exactly that. The only way to judge is when it leads to a goal or a great chance.

I’ve seen the video of Dokus dribbles ‘past’ trent half are cut backs, another couple was trent sending him wide and 1 created a dangerous situation when it was drilled across the box.

1 dangerous situation against a player like Doku is good going imo.

26 Nov 2023 17:02:22
Trent has just had a storming game, scored a goal and got man of the match playing from right back and we have people asking for him to be moved into midfield?

You couldn’t make it up! Lol!

26 Nov 2023 17:26:40
@beckers pecker
It’s because he influences games more further up the pitch than further back . Genuinely think as long as he’s on the pitch anything’s on the table for him
Inverted rb
No 8
I think he can play them all . But I would like to see him get a run of games in the 6 myself I just think he needs a run there and he would cement it as his position. Again only my opinion but I just think it gets the best out of him as a player .

26 Nov 2023 18:13:22
It helps when your midfield help out so that the full back isn't isolated. We often leave them exposed to one on one with acres of space to defend. Yesterday showed he can defend as a normal full back. Its not his strong suit, but he deserves credit for doing it well. bar the goal!

26 Nov 2023 18:19:14
IMO he can be the best attacking right back in the world. Inverting allows him to dictate play whilst still giving him the option to get forward as he did yesterday scoring a very important goal.

As DM he would have to be much more disciplined and it would take so much from his game.

Have you seen him play midfield for England? It just nullifies everything that’s good about Trent.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

26 Nov 2023 20:52:25
WYred, it's a nonsense, man. Same thing with the "VVD was never dribbled past" mess at the time. This is how desperate the haters have become towards Trent that even when he has a defensively solid game, him being "dribbled past" is now the only thing they have to hang their hats on. Oh and their golden boy Reece James, what happened to him? Oh yes, got cooked and rightfully sent off.

Like the late great Kobe Bryant famously said, "They only hate the great ones. Never the good ones. "

27 Nov 2023 11:21:08
I'd leave him where he is, not convinced he can be a top midfielder.

27 Nov 2023 12:08:21
I don’t think it’s hate @Oli, I think, by and large, it’s a lack of understanding and/ or a failure to apply context and / or being swayed by comments on social media that “influence”, for want of a better word, “thought”.

In Trent’s case, he doesn’t really fit into a pigeon hole and there are a considerable number that have trouble with the idea.

He’s a great footballer and we are lucky to have him. When he moves on or retires, the clamour will start for him to be regarded as a legend - a local lad who did it all, and the irony will be lost on most.

27 Nov 2023 16:07:27
Just put him in midfield now and switch the system to the lb.

Gomez rb (in a 3 with konate and vvd) . Kostas or robbo in trents role. Trent in Midfield as a starter.

Not to much should be lost or changed. Could work.

28 Nov 2023 06:39:48
Thought Trent played well. Live, other than his goal, he didn’t stand out to me as POTM. But watched the game again and can see he played well and did his job.

Thinking about defending - the one time I remember Doku getting to the byline, I looked back and saw Mo was a bit slow getting back. IMO what we need to be doing is setting up so that Trent can take away the byline and force the winger back towards Mo or the midfielders. Goes back to Klopp talking about how connected we needed to be effective defensively.



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