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27 Nov 2023 00:41:42
Not sure why
But I'm kind of enjoying the 3 loss on the trot of spurs

Maybe cause they benefitted from the wrongly disallowed goal and dubious red cards when playing against us

Maybe it's cause they celebrated the win against 9 men with a late own goal like they've sealed the title

Maybe cause their fans were proclaiming they were gg to win the title?

They do have a good midfield and attack
But I find their bench very thin and I thought the last 3 matches showed their defensive weakness, in particular, defending between the lines - it feels like you can easily find space and play through them with a couple of incisive passes. Oh and also, they tend to concede late, so stealing a draw or late win is always on the cards if things are tight

I did say they will get CL at best, don't think they are in for the title challenge and hard to see a trophy.

Agree7 Disagree0

27 Nov 2023 02:50:38
Maybe it’s because of that Doku hat trick on Saturday.

27 Nov 2023 08:38:51
Maybe it’s because they are just Spursy?

27 Nov 2023 09:06:29
As the late Dennis Green (former NFL coach) once said, "They are who we thought they were".

27 Nov 2023 09:29:44
Postecoglu is showing his inexperience at the highest level. They have injuries and suspensions to key players yet he still tries to play open, expansive football leaving players exposed.

We are told in the media it’s brave, a breath of fresh air. It’s just naive. They were absolutely shot after 70 minutes yesterday and could’ve got another hammering at home.

What he did against Chelsea with 9 men was the worst, most ridiculous tactic I have ever seen on a football pitch including at grass roots level. Again, we are told it was brave, on the front foot but what exactly is ‘front foot’ about holding the half way line when you are unable to put pressure on the ball? They were asking for a proper beating and thankfully Chelsea finally got their act together and gave them what they deserved.

They could possibly push Villa for 5th but that’s about as good as Spurs can hope for this season.

27 Nov 2023 09:59:52
What a job Emery is doing at Villa. He took over a shambles left by Gerrard and boy look where they are now.

@Beckers, doesn't help when Romero and VDV ain't playing.

27 Nov 2023 10:42:30
emery doing a fine job, and without the unlimited resources a Pep or a poch can call upon. a real, likeable coach.

27 Nov 2023 11:03:14
JN, I have always rated Unai Emery since his Seville days. The guy works wonders and is a tactically astute manager who can adapt his system to fit the players he has and the receipts are there to prove it. I wanted him to replace BR at the time BUT thank heavens, I don't run the club, right?

Now he has some good backing at Villa and we are now seeing the fuits of his labour. I watched a pod where certain fans rated Arteta as the 3rd best manager after Pep and Klopp with DeZerbi and Poch ahead of Emery. Yeah, let that shambles I just wrote sink in for a second.

27 Nov 2023 11:29:28
Of course it doesn’t help when your first choice CB pairing aren’t playing Harry but you adapt the tactics to protect those that are playing especially if they are not natural CBs.

Try to grind out some results instead of going gung ho and getting caught out.

Every team in the league will suffer if they get injuries to key players but Spurs are just rolling over with the tactics they employ. They are trying to rely solely on intensity but they can’t do that for 90 minutes so although they look good for 20 minutes they run out of steam.

27 Nov 2023 12:00:28
Emery is a good coach at a club of the perfect level for him. He didn’t do particularly well at either of the top clubs he managed in Arsenal and PSG, but has done very well at the likes of Sevilla, Aston Villa and Villarreal. Like Neil Warnock but almost certainly a nicer bloke and obviously a much better coach, Emery has a clear pattern of success at his level. Thankfully, he has also banished the ridiculous and disrespectful “good evening” characterization of him that remained from his time at Arsenal. Imagine mocking a non-native speaker for what amounts to being very polite.

27 Nov 2023 12:53:57
I agree with you on parts @Becker. Spurs are yet to replace Kane and once they do that and add a few defenders they will be right up there.

27 Nov 2023 13:58:39
LoweLFC, using Neil Wornock and Unai Emery in the same sentence is absolute blasphemy, lol. Seriously tho, I do not take that much notice about Emery's Arsenal days cos even some of their own fans say that he got a was deal and wanted certain players and was given the ones he did not want like Pepe instead of Zaha and several others. Simply, they did not back him, something Villa is doing and actually getting him the players he wants/ needs and we are seeing the results.

Also, Emery took over right after Wenger was essentially sent to retirement before he wanted to and there was a lot of turmoil afterwards so that could not have helped. He is not dealing with that at Villa now, is he?

As for the whole "Good Evening" stuff, I fully agree with you that that was disgraceful for mocking the way a man pronounces a word in his native language to insult him esp. from managers who could never hold a candle to him professionally. Notice they are not doing it now cos he is getting it done. with Villa. Typical disgraceful English media propaganda to tear a foreign manager down, IMO.

28 Nov 2023 02:07:36
If we was Spurs fans, we'd be crying for the owners to back the manager.
I don't take delight in any team stumbling other than City and manU!

28 Nov 2023 04:36:41
Just a thought I'm having, but Ange could be trying to create that kind of culture and mindset in Spurs which would benefit them in the long-run. They may not see the desired results this season but once they get the players they require, I foresee them being a real threat.

28 Nov 2023 06:35:56
Dracred - when Klopp came in there were loads of people on here criticism the style of play. Actually just being critical of everything in general until we started winning sh*t. Then they complained some more.

Whether it ultimately wins the prize or not, I agree that the manager should instill an identity and do things their way.



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