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31 Jan 2024 11:02:15
I remember seeing this video a few years ago with Jose talking about who will be a great manager from his players. Xabi just oozes class and respect. He has gone the right way so far with his managerial career and for me he is the perfect fit to replace Klopp.

Agree9 Disagree0

31 Jan 2024 12:18:10
Nice post Jimmy.

31 Jan 2024 14:31:29
Yep, Jimmy. I have heard about this convo before about Jose saying of all the players he has managed, Xabi was the closest thing to a manager-in-the-making type. Jose (outside of his antics on the touch line) is an absolute genius regarding footie discussions, IMO. He has so much knowledge and clearly, Xabi has been listening the whole time under him at RM. I guess when you know? Yo know.

31 Jan 2024 15:37:27
Very good, thanks Jimmy.

31 Jan 2024 16:53:52
I'm all aboard the Xabi Alonso train, he's the only candidate I will be willing the get behind from day one, anyone else will have to win me over.

31 Jan 2024 21:22:41
The only two I would be interested in are Xabi and Ange.

In an ideal world we bring in a manager with more first team experience.

Ange would seem unrealistic given he has just taken over at Spurs and I'd admire him more if he dedicated himself to that role for more than a year

xabi I guess has shown what he can do in the limited time and by all accounts from what we can gather as fans is well regarded for his football mind, his propensity to manage and obviously he has a history with the club.

I haven't followed Bayer that closely but have read that they play a more possession based game. Is this true? If so, I would be on board as I've often felt that we need to bring some pragmatism to how we play. Based purely on my eye, I've wondered how sustainable our style is and would argue that the injury riddled season and last season are examples of what could happen if our bodies and minds are 5% off from where they need to be. And obviously Klopp is signalling his own fatigue as to why he is stepping away.

I do think we need to evolve and would be supportive of a change in that playing style. I think we have the players to do it too.

Is Xabi the guy? I still think it'd be a punt. But I just hired an internal employee with less experience over an external applicant with more experience, but the edge for me was that we knew the potential of our internal applicant and he understands our culture. It feels like that's what it'd be with Xabi if he is the guy.

Anyways, long rant, and all in all I'd be supportive of whoever comes in tbh.

31 Jan 2024 23:19:28
Experience? Interested in who you think? Like, who's available?

31 Jan 2024 23:23:29
Faith, I love you like a brother BUT please, I want that "Ange" (really wanted to say "self-serving hypocrite") currently at Spurs well away from LFC. I don't rate him at all.

31 Jan 2024 23:41:37
Faith, I don’t want Postecoglu anywhere near us. All that business after the game at Spurs showed him up for what he is. I don’t buy that Aussie g’day mate nonsense.

01 Feb 2024 00:38:32
Thunderbird spot on. I can't think of a single other manager that I would prefer or that would have the immediate connection with the club and fans that would be needed to follow Klopp. Anyone else and I think it would be David Moyes at Utd situation.

01 Feb 2024 02:54:30
I think we might have to stay a little open minded. Last season we had all our eggs in the Bellingham basket as fans and look how that turned out.

Alonso seems to be the fan favourite but that doesn’t mean it’s a done deal or will definitely happen.

I honesty can’t see Ange because Levy isn’t going to let him come to Liverpool without it costing a fortune and Brighton probably the same with their manager.

Hopefully a replacement is announced soon but it was clear tonight the players are going to fight till the very end for Klopp.

01 Feb 2024 05:31:56
The sporting manager is supposedly on the list anyone know much about his style of football?

01 Feb 2024 06:23:51
Hi Oli, ?

Viktor - For me I’ve liked Ange since before Spurs. Always thought he’d head towards the bigger clubs.
In terms of his comments after Spurs, who gives a F lol he’s speaking for his club not Liverpool. Klopp has done flips and u-turns in the past too and ed2 has let us know about his dark arts in the transfer market. My point is that it’s water under the bridge of fandom and rivalry.

But in the moment, the manager’s only responsibility is their club.

01 Feb 2024 06:29:37
Embarrassing post Victor. Fine if you don't like Ange as a manager but why have a pop at him because he speaks his own lingo. Would you prefer that he faked being English to placate people like you. How about a bit of ‘cor blimey guvnor’ now he's at Spurs? I wouldn't want him at Liverpool either but it is nothing to do with his nationality.

01 Feb 2024 08:25:51
All that fake Aussie bonhomie doesn’t wash with me. He’s a weapons grade bellend and a hypocrite to boot. Telling us to soak up a dire refereeing performance but complaining when it happened to him. He doesn’t belong at Anfield and shouldn’t be considered.

01 Feb 2024 10:19:41
Ange's tactics are way too one-dimensional. Spurs will get found out. Avoid.

01 Feb 2024 10:51:36
What’s the basis for the fake Aussie whatever it is? If you’ve followed his career, he’s the same now as he was way back with Brisbane.

Being a bit sensitive there about his comments after our game versus his comments in another game. I get the hypocrisy but again for me it’s water off a duck’s back. Like, are we expecting all other clubs’s fans, players and staff to fall at the feet of the might reds?
Ed25 will turn in his grave at the thought lol.

01 Feb 2024 11:06:41
If say FSG did appoint Ange just out of interest what would the fans who seem to hate him do in response.

01 Feb 2024 12:43:18
Victor, Klopp had no issues with Tierney’s penalty calls last night whereas when decisions have gone against us he laid into him about his decision-making. Hypocrisy? Its almost like managers only stick up for their own clubs.



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