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11 Feb 2024 02:45:34
Tumbleweed and Crickets on here.
We must have won.

Fun fact, we’re a Cody Gakpo goal away from having 5 of our first team attackers each in double digits goals across all competitions.

Thank you FSG for your investment in the squad


Agree29 Disagree0

11 Feb 2024 08:22:49
It would appear that Klopp listened to his advisors on here and managed to get a result.

11 Feb 2024 09:12:19
Haha, love you two. Happy Valentines!

11 Feb 2024 09:52:17
Why are you thanking FSG? I guess you don’t condemn them won’t they don’t spend? I’ll thank Klopp and the players as always.

11 Feb 2024 10:07:46
When have they not spent Frode? Klopp has had more money to spend on players than any manger in decades.

Been following the reds since the 80’s, had to endure years of underinvestment in the 90’s and 00’s watching United dominate…Spending huge amounts on players and wages, breaking the British transfer record at lease 8 times under fergie….

11 Feb 2024 10:21:48
Missed out on Bellingham, because he was all or nothing. I don’t blame them for that but come on. Klopp has said himself on numerous occasions that he would have liked an extra player or two at the right times. They could have employed much better people especially on the commercial side, we are still well adrift on that front.

11 Feb 2024 10:17:37
@Frode, would you prefer we spent like Chelsea? Go and spen a billion for a mediocre squad in a mid table position? Not condemning somebody because they won’t spend just for the sake of it is correct, whether you understand / like it or not.

For the past three years or more the message from the club has been that they will buy the right player at the right price. Far more often than not they have got it right, again whether you understand it or not. We are top of the league two thirds of the way through the season we are in one cup final and going well in two other cups. Why would anybody in their right mind consider the owners worthy of condemnation?

11 Feb 2024 10:24:59
Wait, is @Frode part of the "Thank you" police now? Didn't know those people existed BUT not surprised. Mate, If anyone wants to thank FSG for reason X or Y then, who the the heck are you to start telling them why they cannot or shouldn't than them? Mate, take a day of mate. Your predictory tired and negative comments towards the club and FSG are becoming boring and tedious to read. get some new materil, at least.

11 Feb 2024 10:44:03
I'll thank Klopp and the players as always.
The same manager and players that FSG brought to the club.

11 Feb 2024 10:47:12
Cant enjoy a win and returning to the top of the league without having a dig.
Makes me wonder why some people even watch football at all.

11 Feb 2024 11:19:49
Was one of the lucky 59,900 there yesterday. Highest league gate since 1949. I thank FSG for that.

11 Feb 2024 11:27:14
Great result yesterday despite it not being a great performance but 3 points are 3 points.

Was amazing to be part of history of what was the biggest ever Anfield crowd for a premier league game but it does still feel quite apprehensive around some parts of the crowd.

Kelleher made a couple of nice saves which will be a boost for him ahead of the League cup and fantastic that our front 3 were all on the score sheet.

Jota’s gone from he stinks the place up or should never start a game for Liverpool or he should be sold to raise money to being an important cog in the machine.

Diaz goal was pure bravery, he had a split second to put his head where boots would be flying and he did which was a cracking goal.

Nunez got his just rewards as well and funnily has the same amount of league goals as he has league bookings. He plays with his heart on his sleeve but these silly yellow are going to get him suspended eventually and he is more use to us on the pitch than he is off it.

Special mention to Elliot who’s cross for the third was superb. He’s starting to turn into a bit of a super sub for us.

We’re currently top of the league so what more could we wish for.

11 Feb 2024 11:36:47
Atmosphere was flat at the beginning. Did it get going later on lads? Elliot does deserve massive credit, many times he has improved the side from the bench this season.

11 Feb 2024 11:56:08
markp08, the atmosphere was fairly typical of when we play a side from near the bottom end of the table. A feeling of expectation. It's been like that for years, in my opinion. The Chelsea game, 10 days previous, was cracking on the other hand.

11 Feb 2024 12:23:37
Mark sorry, that whole narrative of "FSG coulda/ shoulda done this or that. " is pretty weak right now, IMO. FSG do not decide who Klopp signs and who doesn't we don't sign. Klopp does. And we now know that there have been occasions where he has been given the funds to spend at the right times and he himself sat on it and signed nobody cos he didn't see them as the right fit. So how is that FSG's fault? That narrative no longer applies here, IMO.

FSG were also ready to fund 115m straight up for Caicedo, a player Klopp wanted/ signed off at the right time cos we had no DM and the player made a diff. decision to go somewhere else. Again, how is that FSG's fault? There are others I can pull up. Again and IMO, that whole narrative is no longer applicaple esp. now that we know a lot more about what was happening during those times. Just my opinion.

11 Feb 2024 13:29:51
I agree with that Rome. The City game will be banging.

11 Feb 2024 13:30:38
Your opinion as usual is wrong Oli.

11 Feb 2024 14:22:06
markp08, your opinion is incorrect, and I will explain instead of just saying:- Jude Bellingham was never coming to Liverpool so to say he was our all or nothing signing is incorrect. Bellingham had no interest and Liverpool was only mentioned so he could get the Madrid move.

11 Feb 2024 14:48:01
Arsenal don’t look like they’re dropping points today.

If Villa win as well could be the biggest title race in premier league history.

Can’t really remember 4-5 teams being this close at the top with a third of the season to go.

11 Feb 2024 15:30:12
Look lads, no point in saying FSG arent"frugal"with their spending. The thing has always been (and has only been magnified since jurgens announcement) whether the next man in can get as much outa his summer kitty as klopp has been able to over the years. this isn't a knock on the owners but make no mistake they fell on their feet when they appointed klopp.

11 Feb 2024 18:49:51
Mark mate, Klopp decided to keep hold of the midfield rather than move the likes of Naby, Ox etc on. Ed002 stated on numerous occasions there was mikey to spend bit Klopp chose not too….
Regarding Bellingham, maybe do a search on ed002’s comments regarding tapping up.

I love Klopp to bits but he’s been too loyal to certain players in my opinion. I hated fergie but he was ruthless in that department.

11 Feb 2024 18:50:28
How are we top of the league
In the league cup final
Still in the fa cup
And still in the europa league

And we are talking about fsg

Yes theirs things we could have improved at times over the years and things we need to improve in the summer but this anti fsg needs to be legged

They’ve openly told the fans that they work within a certain structure and will not break that for nothing I don’t get what the problem is .

Enjoy what we’ve got and not what we haven’t .

12 Feb 2024 08:58:38
lol, I sit comfortable knowing that I turn up on here consistently, win, lose or draw.

I don't look at things as a single transaction, but rather a portrait being painted and that is constantly being evolved. Many people on here cast their aspersions based on a result, or based on a signing, but for me, I prefer to look at the trend and see where we are headed before deciding my position on things. In general when it comes to FSG I prefer how they operate the club versus how other owners do.

And to be honest, I think deep down most fans do too. Either that or deep down loads of fans just want to be an oil club with loads of charges hanging over their heads.

12 Feb 2024 11:33:01
This is a very fast moving forum isn’t it?

Last summer we went from ‘we should sell our midfield” to ‘Jeez we’ve sold the midfield, what have we done’.

Then we started winning and everybody got behind the idea that we were building 2.0 and things were on the up (at least for the duration of everybody’s concentration span) . Now, some 12 weeks or so later (almost an eternity I guess) we see posts suggesting we cash in on TAA and explaining how the five or six teams closest to us are going to overtake us as the are doing the business, whereas we, since the new year have won 8, drawn 1 and, God forbid, lost 1.

How’s about we focus on next weekend’s match and support the management and the team - if we play as well as we can we’ll win. If we do that, we’ll be top of the league after 25 games.



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