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26 Oct 2023 20:59:44
What do you make of Jota as a player and potential for improvement? Do you think he is at his ceiling?

For me he is a complete conundrum, he comes up with goals in games which I have been screaming at the tv to have him subbed! I know he is a player that divides fans but do you think that he can improve his overall game ( passing, link up play, running down blind alleyways and giving away possession) or is he destined to be this frustrating?

Personally I think he plays on instinct rather than footballing intelligence and as such suffers in our team because we dominate possession and typically have to break down defences which doesn’t draw on his strength.

His goal tonight kinda shows this, bouncing ball in midfield which he wins, beats a few men and scores ( brilliant individual play), overall game play outside of goal = terrible

People will argue that goals win games and it’s the hardest thing to do in football which I agree with but I think he is better suited to another style of play and think he would be a great signing for Villa or even Newcastle.

Agree1 Disagree0

26 Oct 2023 22:20:37
Jota seems to be a huge favourite with the Anfield crowd on match day and a firm favourite of Klopps.

Since 2020 Jota has as many goals in the PL as Rahsford and in 22 games less. One is deemed world class by his online clubs fans and other gets pelters from his.

He’s probably our least technical forward in regards to ability but Origi was idolised and had a good LFC career with far less goals and less ability.

I’m not sure why there’s a constant need to beat Jota with a stick.

26 Oct 2023 22:33:12
I really like jota, think he great asset for us to have. link up play poor but goalscoring is brilliant.

26 Oct 2023 22:39:34
Diogo jota is the new luis Garcia

The play breaks down through him a hell of a lot but he comes up with some big game changing moments . I feel he is as good as he’s gunna get . Which is pretty decent.

26 Oct 2023 22:51:25
I doubt Jota will improve significantly as a player, he's 26 and his touch and ability to pick passes in general play are fairly poor (although he, somewhat inexplicably, becomes a better player in the box and does pick off assists) . I think it's likely a permanent feature of his game at this point and the coaching staff have to make a judgment as to whether his quality in the box outweighs his poor play outside it on a game by game basis.

Personally, in games where both are fit and don't require resting, I don't think Jota should be a starter with Nunez on the bench.

When Firmino was our #9, it was a choice you made based on the opposition: You put in Jota, have greater goal threat in the box but less control of the game outside it, or put in Firmino and have less of a direct goal threat but more control of the game and better build up. With Nunez the choice is gone, because Nunez is at least as a big a goal threat as Jota (if not a greater one), whilst also being better in his general play.

Jota is still a useful squad player who can cover across the front three and will get important goals both starting as a rotation option and coming off the bench.

26 Oct 2023 23:07:08
Jota is a good player who scores big goals. Invaluable and doesn’t deserve any of the criticism he gets.

Not all players are Mo Salah but that doesn’t mean they don’t contribute a lot to our success.

26 Oct 2023 23:18:05
He knows where the goal is.

Great asset.


26 Oct 2023 23:26:23
Jota is who and what he i and I have just learned to accept it, come hell or high water. Will he improve? I don't know cos he has been the same as now since he arrived so based on that, we will have to see. Jota is a useful squad player indeed BUT should not be starting ahead of Nunez nor Gakpo. They are way better players and have way more ability than he does, IMO.

26 Oct 2023 23:43:46
I am not a fan of Jota's.

That being said, he is better coming off the bench than starting, is our best finisher and has knack for scoring goals.

Even I can't deny that, for all the faults I think he has.

27 Oct 2023 00:29:16
Jota is a quality player who most squads would love.

27 Oct 2023 01:12:11
Honestly I don't rate him. He's the ole Gunnar solskjaer of Liverpool, he pops up with goals but addns nothing else to the team and is best suited to a super sub role.

27 Oct 2023 03:33:23
Jota’s good. Like lots of players will benefit from remaining fit and getting a run of games.

27 Oct 2023 03:43:08
Jota is a useful squad player for a top team, and possibly a priceless asset for relegation candidate. He is unquestionably a goalscorer, though not as efficient as someone we’d usually describe as a goalscorer, such as Robbie Fowler (yes, he was much more than that) or Michael Owen.
He is not good enough to be a starter for a top team, simple as that. His technical and physical qualities are well below most of teammates, especially the other attackers, who are all pretty much technical and physical monsters. We are a worse team with Jota in the side than we are with any other attacking combination, and that says it all.

27 Oct 2023 05:17:27
Jota is an absolute asset. His strengths are a battling mentality, being in the box at the right time, and knowing where the old onion bag is.
He gets criticised for other aspects of his game but what he brings to the table wins us matches.

27 Oct 2023 07:05:55
Despite his shortcomings, I have a lot of appreciation for Jota for several reasons. He's aggressive, hardworking, and consistently finds the back of the net.

Just yesterday, he played a part in three goals, in some way or other. We don't need to constantly have a fallback guy each season, someone who is criticised at every opportunity by fans.

27 Oct 2023 08:08:19
I admire him for his scoring prowess. Not the greatest dribbler or passer but he certainly adds to the team.

27 Oct 2023 09:58:40
Jota is a great option to have at the club. I like that the choices liverpool have up front are all slightly different types of player, Klopp has a variety that in the past just wasnt there.
I feel this will make a big difference come the business end of the season.

27 Oct 2023 19:41:03
Jota played on the right last night. The first time I can remember him playing on the right. His goal was class. Even though a few lucky bobbles. Maybe he is better on the right than the left? We are all right or left stronger, physically and in the brain?

27 Oct 2023 20:19:19
I like him coming on as a sub when we need a goal (but we always need a goal) . A squad player, for me but to play thru the middle.
I wouldn't be disappointed to see him go if he wanted more game time but I don't dislike like others do.
The manager likes him and he knows more about him than us lot.

27 Oct 2023 21:12:42
He’s got an instinct for goal. He’s an asset to the squad. He adds value and something that a lot of players in the first team squad don’t have. He’s not perfect, but being honest there’s only one or two of us the world who are ?.



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