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21 Jan 2024 18:54:10
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sgynwa has written an article entitled, Liverpool Players Overview v Bournemouth

Agree3 Disagree0

21 Jan 2024 20:04:47
Gravenberch really needs to work on his off the ball game. If he doesn't improve, we are always going to lose intensity which is what this team thrives on. He needs to work harder. It's hard not to have very big doubts about him but hopefully he can work it out. If we had our full squad I think we would be seeing very little of him right now. It is not making me as angry anymore as I can see Klopp has finally moved Elliott ahead in the pecking order so now instead of complaining too much, I'm going to just hope he can develop a bit over time on the training ground.

Mac Allaister I thought was outstanding today. His best game I thought. I mentioned it in match posts aswell. His ball distribution today was outstanding.

Jota second half was absolutely unplayable. Not just his goal. Think he deserves a little more credit for that display.

Man I hope Jones is not injured because he is taking his game up another level again. I said a few weeks ago his game on the ball is good and off the ball elite. But he is upping his game on the ball now too to another level. Not as playing safe all the time. He is turning into some player.

Also Nunez second goal was 100 percent what he meant to do. It was an outstanding finish. There was no luck in it.

Just some additional thoughts I had.

21 Jan 2024 20:23:35
We scored 3 goals when Grav came on so we couldn’t have lost that much intensity in this game anyway and I wouldn’t be surprised to see him start ahead of Elliott against Fulham. Elliott was far from great today and wasnt surprised to see him hooked.

21 Jan 2024 20:30:51
Davey, you are so obsessed with Gravenberch it’s starting to sound a bit sinister, he played 25 minutes, during which we scored 3 of our 4 goals and yet he’s the first player you mention, not for the first time either.

21 Jan 2024 20:35:29
Gravenberch came on at 1 nil and we lost that much intensity we scored another 3 whilst he was on the pitch.

We get it he’s not everyone’s cup of tea but we don’t have to beat him with a stick every chance we get.

21 Jan 2024 20:53:23
By the way Sgynwa, please keep these coming because they are great to read.

Your player performance articles are the perfect starter to ED001s main course later. And I mean that as a big compliment. Takes effort to write these up and you have a good eye for it.

21 Jan 2024 20:55:16
Davey if you watch Nunez goal back it gets even better the little glance across to see what’s going on before despatching in the opposite corner of the goal is quite the finish . No fluke like you say it’s pure football intelligence and ability. If that’s de bruyne Ferdinand would be creaming his knickers like he normally does

1st player in the prem to reach double assists and goals . Outstanding team player and getting better .
Jota was brilliant but Nunez is the 1st name on the team sheet in the forwards department for me now his pace and running just gives those around him that extra 1/ 2 yard and with the ability we have behind its causing teams major problems . Plus he does it for 90 mins non stop.

21 Jan 2024 21:17:21
Thanks for the review. Midfield injuries are definitely the worry. Trent and Dom should be back for Chelsea game but the Fulham game looks like a very difficult tie.

21 Jan 2024 21:39:13
Agree with most of what your saying Davey, I thought Ryan did alright when he came on better then previous cameos he turned with the ball well and was pressing much better he does need to improve long term tho.

21 Jan 2024 21:56:34
Scoring goals and intensity are two different things. By then Bournemouth were coming at us a lot more and we could counter attack.

Elliott was excellent off the ball today. On the ball he gave it away a few times frustratingly alright but there were some very good moments on the ball also. I would say he had a good game and is a thousand mile better than Grav right now in my opinion. Complete non contest.

But I want Grav to succeed. He might be one of those players that takes a little more time to develop. Hopefully so. He is in the right spot now in the pecking order so I have no problem.

He might have to play against Fulham if Jones is out although maybe we get a few more back.

21 Jan 2024 22:01:53
Sorry lads? the latter comments were not there.

I was highly frustrated with Grav being ahead of Elliott. But now that's reversed, I will cool off.

He is absolutely terrible off the ball though right now. It's pretty much a fact rather than an opinion. But hopefully he develops. There is talent there for sure.

21 Jan 2024 22:21:24
Wait Davey, I love your posts BUY you've had 'mare here re: Darwin's goals, IMO. Did you think his goal at Burnley was lucky cos his first goal was exactly the same type of finish except that it was from further out? IMO, that was textbook finishing. His second goal was also brilliant cos he attacked the space, went for it and used the pace of the cross to guide it towards goal and if you get it right, you will score. Sorry BUT that ain't luck, IMO.

As for the team perf. today, NO qualms whatsoever esp. with the second half after we figured them out. Also, When you have 7 to 8 players with 7 to 8/ 10 performances, you will win near everytime. We were outstanding once we figured out what B'mouth was trying to do to us and it was smooth sailing thru out the second half.

All 4 of our goals were outstanding and the finishes were quality and clinical of the highest order. Hatts off to the coaching staff, players and the away fans who brought the noise. On to Fulham.

21 Jan 2024 22:52:19
Going to be an unpopular opinion here.

Jota's all round game I thought was poor, I find him so frustrating in build up play and gets simple passes wrong a lot of the time.

He showed what he's good at though with two fantastic goals I just find him very frustrating.

21 Jan 2024 22:53:37
Agree with most of that albeit would add the left-hand side with Gomez and Jones was particularly poor in the first half.

21 Jan 2024 23:07:45
I agree with you Oli. I said Nunez's goals were not luck either. I think you meant sgynwa.

Also with Grav, I ll take onboard the critism and quieten down on him a bit. He is only 20. I think strangely it is his potential that gets me so frustrated but he is young. I was just thinking Bradley, Beck and Clark are all similar age. I ll lay off. And that turn was fantastic. Hopefully he works hard on training and has me eating my words.

22 Jan 2024 00:41:43
Good to see discussions going
And thanks to those that affirmed me
I’m no where near Ed01 in seeing the game nor players, but I do try to learn more even at my age and hope to just share my thoughts with the community here. Cause football for me is about playing, watching, supporting your team and having chats with anyone that wishes to, often unceasingly, even though these opinions will largely have no bearing on how the club is run or the results! It’s just football fans talking about what we like, apart from our day jobs and having fun.

On Darwin, when I said he was lucky I didn’t meant he didn’t know what he was doing. Rather, he’s hit the woodwork or have keepers saving it when he stuck it well and they had no idea what’s happening. So I thought it was nice for once that what he did, though it looked a little awkward, went in. I just hope this is the start of him having better finishing (as I thought it was the case after the Newcastle game), cause then he wouldn’t be the rubbish Andy Caroll Bournemouth fans were calling him (even though he was terrorising their defence), but probably the best striker in the league.

As for Gravenberch, I am of the opinion as some here, the day he start working his socks off, don’t shy away from 50-50s, and apply his talents, he did be an amazing player. But for now, he’s not anywhere near the starting 11. And the 2 things can be true at the same time - he didn’t play that well while we scored 3 goals. I recall in the season under BR when we nearly nicked the PL, Glen Johnson was an absolute passenger. Offered nothing in attack, barely doing enough in defence, yet we were one win and a few goal difference away from the title - he literally coasted through most games. I’m not saying that’s what Gravenberch does now but just highlighting 2 seemingly contradictory things can co exist.

Good Monday everyone, I was nearly late for work as the game ends at 2.30am on my side of the world. Have a good week ahead.

22 Jan 2024 04:28:02
Davey - I completely agree with the analysis of Gravenberch. He runs around at about 70-80% and doesn't apply the same pressure as the others in midfield. However, he's fantastic with the ball, physically strong, has excellent technical skills, and a good understanding of the game. If we've conducted this analysis, the coaches should review it afterward and hopefully develop a plan to match the intensity of the rest of the team. At the moment, though, I think he's quite low in the pecking order. A very good match (2nd half) from both Jota and Nunez, but man of the match for me was Mac Allister. He won nearly every duel, disrupted the play, initiated attacks, and dictated the game in my opinion. Well, onwards and upwards for the next match.

22 Jan 2024 09:53:24
Davey Sulls, you are correct, sir. That comment was for @Sgynwa, indeed. My bad, mate.



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