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18 Jan 2024 04:26:12
To be honest I would also have a think about replacing Nunez, I love his endeavour but his finishing is poor, and I would like to grab sisal from Newcastle, really rate him.
What would your choices be?

{Ed001's Note - sisal? Do you mean Isak? If so he is good but he can miss just as easily as Nunez and offers a lot less to the team as a whole. I wouldn't look to replace him personally. I would say the one other position to consider as a possibility is right-back if Trent is moved into midfield. It was the original plan when he first reached the first team, it does seem to be the way it is going again now, if so Bradley is not going to be able to be the only one there and Gomez is covering the whole backline. Ramsay needs to play regularly somewhere to regain full fitness before he can be considered again as an option, so another right-back to fight with Bradley and make sure he doesn't get complacent is probably needed.

I am not convinced Salah will go anywhere in the summer. I just don't see why he would want to yet. Diaz, Gakpo and Szobo are good alternatives there, so not sure we need a forward at all personally.

I do think we need a left sided centre-back, van Dijk can't go on forever and he needs competition. Not sure who makes sense, maybe Guehi.}

Agree0 Disagree9

18 Jan 2024 05:05:36
Ignoring everything else Nunez does for the team shows how little those people understand about how we play.

18 Jan 2024 07:07:25
Faithworks plenty of people understand what he does for the team, but it’s a balancing act, the guy doesn’t score enough goals which is his job. We cannot rely solely on Salah. He’s a galaxy away from the quality we had with Manè unfortunately. No rash decisions however, I still think he’ll play a huge part in our season even though we won’t win the league.

{Ed001's Note - but he is not playing Mane's role in the team, he is playing Firmino's role and everyone said he didn't score enough, so hardly an issue is it?}

18 Jan 2024 08:41:44
nah you don't understand his role in the team. You are making his sole role to be a goal scorer and that is clearly not what he is only there to do.

18 Jan 2024 08:57:29
For me Nunez is a natural strike as he is getting in scoring positions the problem is in about 75% of these chances he either hits the wood work or the goalies makes a worldie save.

I can easily see him scoring back to back hat-tricks but he is an annoyance to centre backs which free's up space for the other two in the front line.

18 Jan 2024 07:34:50
Spot on ed1

Diaz needs to step up as much a Darwin .
I think the goals thing is massively overhyped yes he’s missed some sitters but I’d say the last 3/ 4 games I don’t think he could of done much more with his chances and half his chances are self made .

{Ed001's Note - also because of Nunez the whole midfield is able to play closer to the opposition's goal, as his pace keeps the opposition pushed back. That has allowed them to add a few more goals than normal as well. Sometimes a player can be more than what he noticeably contributes.}

18 Jan 2024 09:28:08
Spot on Ed001.

{Ed001's Note - thanks KC.}

18 Jan 2024 10:04:05
Have you had the opportunity to watch Morton at Hull Ed? Heard he is doing good on loan. What do you think will happen to him next season? You think he has what it takes to make it with us?

{Ed001's Note - no mate, not seen any of him there other than highlights. They are very happy with him though. I think he has enough to be a back up, but I think he will move on to be a first team player somewhere. It is also a good way to bring in some income for a player that is highly unlikely to nail down a permanent place in the first team.}

18 Jan 2024 10:21:25
You do not replace a Nunez in my opinion. You thank your lucky stars you have him and hope that he continues to work hard to add those finishing touches.

Fatinworks said it very well there that you can't ignore everything else he brings. It's like saying ignoring Haalands goals, he does very little. City should replace him.

He is the only forward we have with the potential to be a Salah type figure when Salah decides to end his Liverpool career. If he really can find his finishing boots and develop that calm head, he is instantly world class and one of the best strikers in the world.

Yes, he has that step to make. You can't ignore that either. But all the time he is working on that, he is contributing massively in other ways as my fellow posters and ed001 have advised above. So we lose very little sticking by him.

If Klopp told me I'm buying 4 new forwards for the future squad and you David have to pick one of our current forwards to keep. I wouldn't even have to think about it. Easiest decision in the world to pick Nunez.
Just in case there's commotion, I ve obviously taken into account Salah's age in that decision making.

Ultimately, Nunez is a guy you build a team around. Not replace.

18 Jan 2024 10:34:05
Yeah can see him leaving. Will be really hard for him to break into that midfield now, even with Thiago leaving. Hull could be a great permanent move for him especially if they get promoted.

Does anyone know how Carvallho has done there? Appreciate it’s only a fortnight but wondered if he has shown anything in his first few games.

18 Jan 2024 10:52:09
@mfahmee2 - I watched Carvalho's debut for Hull and I thought both he and Morton had great games. Carvalho was involved in everything and looked full of confidence and Morton was pulling the strings and scored a good goal. Hopefully they will both prove to be key players over the second half of the season!

I don't claim to be as astute as Ed001 but thought I would offer my thoughts.

18 Jan 2024 12:41:28
@shipleykopite, I read a lot of good stuff being said about how he is doing at Hull. If I'm not mistaken, Morton score a screamer with his left foot in that match. But as Ed1 said, he probably won't make it at Liv. We are well stocked at midfield.

Ed1, I see that you mentioned Guehi quite a lot. Not see him play that much tbh. Is he at that good Ed? I've seen name like Inacio for CB position. Seems like he can play as LB as well for Sporting, so can cover 2 positions as well. There are 2 other names being mentioned in Diomande and Lenny Yoro. Have you seen these players Ed?

{Ed001's Note - I've not seen enough of them to be honest. I did like what I saw of Dragusin this season, but he joined Spurs.}

18 Jan 2024 13:14:52
Ed001, I was saying on here a few weeks or months back that we should be bringing in a right back.
Do you have anyone in mind? I do wonder what kind of player Klopp would be looking at who wouldn’t hinder the progress of Bradley. Someone older and established or someone younger and have them fight it out.
If Trent is moving to midfield though it does raise more questions as to who gets a game in midfield. Someone good will need to miss out more often than they would probably like.
I’d love to see us in an old fashioned 442 with Trent and szobo on the middle right and right wing swapping positions all the time and gakpo and Nunez up top.
I say I’d love to see that, I wouldn’t really, I know Klopp wouldn’t either, I’m just trying to figure out what the team will look like in a season or two and when Salah leaves.

{Ed001's Note - there aren't many options out there for a right-back to be honest. But there is always Trent in times of need. If not maybe Walker-Peters or Geertruida?}

18 Jan 2024 14:50:48
I don’t think it’s Nunez that we should be looking to upgrade it’s either Diaz or Gakpo. Now these two definitely don’t score enough goals. Hopefully at least one of them will improve in the second half of the season.

18 Jan 2024 17:10:29
OP replace Nunez? Nah, I doubt it. Isak is very good BUT he ain't Darwin. Darwin has a lot and has added more to his game and Klopp is moulding him into a player even better than Bobbie cos Darwin can play near anywhere in the front three, something Bobbie could not only do due to him lacking the pace to get in behind. That's it. If anything, he is the most dangerous player we have and the evidence is there to prove it.

People say Salah is have a good season. You think Salah is not benefiting from Darwin doing all the running to take defenders away from him so he can get more room to operate, create and score or assist, something Bobbie did for near a decade here? You think Salah is not happy Darwin is there to take the pressure off him? Nah, Darwin is the exact player we need for the system we are playing and he is getting better and better. Should he score more? Of course BUT we said the same thing about Bobbie too. Darwin ain't going anywhere as long as he is executing Klopp's game plan to the letter and Im here for ALL of it.

18 Jan 2024 17:28:00
Frimpong for right back?

{Ed002's Note - No.}

18 Jan 2024 19:42:41
I have no objection to signing Isak but he would be a player to play with Nunez not to replace him. If Salah goes move Diaz to the right, Isak through the middle and Nunez from the left. Even if Salah stays it would be a good shout as Salah doesn’t have too many top seasons left and is already losing his explosive pace.

Any talk of replacing Nunez is crazy talk. The guy is an absolute monster and I’d rather have him in my team than playing against me.

He’s a great finisher too it just hasn’t quite clicked into place for him yet but it will and I want him in our team when it does. Davey is spot on we stick by Nunez at all costs because he will be the best striker in world football. I said it before we signed him and if anything he’s even better than I thought he would be.

The only thing I was unsure of was whether he could play a Klopp pressing style and he did struggle in his first season which affected the team as a whole.

This season he’s shown he can be a Klopp player off the ball, all that’s missing is the consistency in finishing which I have absolutely no doubt will come.

{Ed025's Note - good post BP.....except for "hes a great finisher too", im not saying he wont improve in that department mate but at this moment its bordering on pathetic im afraid..

18 Jan 2024 19:45:06
I don't understand this thing about Nunez not scoring enough. Like Ed001 says Bobby didn't either (something I always criticised him for) but we all loved him. Nunez is similar but regularly gets it scoring positions, it's his biggest strength. He's missed a few sitters fine but he still scored 15 last season and 8 so far this. It used to be that 20 goals a season was the mark of a world class striker. Your Messi's, R7's Lewis's, salah and Haaland have skewed this and now anything less than 20 is rubbish? Absolute Nonsense. Nunez is doing fine, is an absolute monster for the opposition to defend against and he's only going to keep getting better. I'm not concerned about him one bit.

18 Jan 2024 20:09:22
Oh and let's not forgot that despite Salah being lauded as a brilliant creator of goals as well as scorer, Nunez is currently leading the assists chart with 10, 2 more than Salah. Not counting the absolute havoc he creates in the opposition defence that's 18 goal involvements in 30 appearances this season, second only to the freak Salah and 8 more than any other player at the club. He's an easy target I'm afraid and I'm not having it. Rant over.

{Ed025's Note - I think you mean “it’s easy for him to miss the target” mate ?

18 Jan 2024 20:13:32
I wouldn't sell Nunez. I would tell him to take a leaf out of Zlatan's book and go learn a martial art to help him control himself and release his Zen.

18 Jan 2024 22:42:47
Spot on, Davey Sulls. If Darwin's finishing is all we are complaining about then for me, he has made even more progress btw last season to this season than I could have imagined.

18 Jan 2024 23:17:14
Have a look at his last season with Benfica Ed he was tucking them away for fun and scored more than 30 goals.

He is a great finisher there is just too much pressure on him at the moment because of people constantly questioning him. Like the OP on this thread.

I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that he will be a 20-30 league goal striker for us. He’s that good.

{Ed025's Note - i think hes a very good player BP, but the Portuguese league is equivalent to our division 2 standard mate so i would not not take too much notice of that stat..

19 Jan 2024 07:06:56
Um pathetic would be DCL’s 5 goals/ assists in 22 games.
3.6x the output in 1.5x more games qualifies Nunez as a little better than pathetic.

{Ed025's Note - i agree on DCL faith, the both of them couldn,t hit a bulls arse with a banjo mate..



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