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12 Feb 2024 10:10:47
Hello ed2 hope u well. U have said previously that lfc one of clubs to approach alonso repersentives to see what's his situation is next season. Would u be able to say who other clubs are? Reason I ask is I think he head and shoulders best candidate for us and wondering who competition will be to get him.

{Ed002's Note - Xabi Alonso (C) A popular choice for clubs and having a great season at Bayer Leverkusen, but very inexperienced, although there will be interest in him from Liverpool, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Chelsea and Manchester United. Has made no secret of a desire to follow Ancelotti at Real Madrid - but that won't be until 2026 so they can be discounted at this time although he has the support of Carlo Ancelotti. If he were to win the league this season it would likely make it very difficult for him to leave. There are no clauses in his contract allowing him to leave to join them.}

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12 Feb 2024 10:25:21
Didn't he said that he would like to manage Liv at some point in his career?

12 Feb 2024 10:37:07
Can’t see him coming to us. Probably stay another year then go to Madrid. He more than likely has a bigger affiliation to them than us, and if that’s the case then would you want him for a season or two? I wouldn’t I want someone who prepared to stay.

12 Feb 2024 13:13:03
Thanks for response. Not be that simple to get him then. Hope we do as I'm not too sure of the quality of the alternatives.

12 Feb 2024 13:34:17
Am not sure he would have a bigger affiliation to Madrid over us with this statement he made when playing for them.
am still a Liverpool fan and will be forever, absolutely" and that he will raise his Liverpool-born son as a Red supporter.

12 Feb 2024 14:01:14
His first choice is very much Liverpool going from the recordings I have seen. His family support Liverpool.

12 Feb 2024 14:46:47
@ Grino. I don’t think he would choose another premier league team over us if we was in for him too. That’s the level of Isupport for us I think he has. But us v Madrid different story.

12 Feb 2024 14:48:42
Not only is he coming to liverpool, but his club are now putting out feelers for their next manager. He will fit right in, and take us to another level, heard that he is also bringing over his best centre back, but not 3 players that has been mentioned.

12 Feb 2024 15:03:21
Ed02, why would winning the league make it difficult for him to leave? Just curious.

{Ed002's Note - There will be a huge push to keep him at the club where he is very happy if he wins the league.}

12 Feb 2024 15:03:41
Real Madrid are the only thing preventing us from landing Xabi IMO. Carlo until 2026 means we lock him in this summer or miss out (or we wait until Madrid are finished with him) .

Ed02 funny you say that. I actually thought winning the Bundesliga would make it easier for him to depart. What a hero to take them from relegation zone to champions in under two years. Especially for a club often mocked for bottling it. I don't see how he tops that as Bayern and even Dortmund will likely be stronger next season and i expect the opposite for Leverkuson with so many eyes on their players. But then again l, he might want to stay and ride that wave and see what he can do with them in the CL. Just my opinion

Amorins Sporting are also playing serious football. Really like them and he seems to have a way about. Maybe a good 2nd choice.

12 Feb 2024 15:27:21
L8 he is a Liverpool fan so I think he would love to manage us didn’t only leave because of a fall out with Rafa when he tried forcing him out of the club to replace his Barry.
I think he will be the Liverpool manager next season but only time will tell.

12 Feb 2024 15:44:09
From what I am hearng it's a done deal.

12 Feb 2024 15:46:49
There are countless interviews on YouTube where he says Liverpool is his second home and that we hold the fondest memories in his career. His family are also Liverpool fans. Not me saying it but it’s there for everyone to see. He also said he hopes our paths cross and he gets to manage us one day. If we approach him, I think it would be extremely difficult for him to turn us down. Let’s see what happens though.

12 Feb 2024 16:42:18
I can’t see him choosing Man U or Chelsea if LFC are interested.
Let’s be honest, Chelsea is a bit of a merry-go-round, they go through managers quicker than we go through Prime Ministers.
Man U - a club in a very long transition.

12 Feb 2024 21:41:12
We need a Manager who has suffered ups and downs, somwone who has walked through the storms. Alonso has none of that.

12 Feb 2024 21:46:35
Xabi Alonso is coming to Anfield as our next manager……. That’s my opinion……. No inside knowledge on the matter……. but I have a similar feeling to the time when we brought Klopp in… I just kinda knew he would come…… and that turned out as I had hoped

It’s just meant to be.

12 Feb 2024 22:30:20
Leek, based on your logic, who would you suggest? Sam Allardyce?

12 Feb 2024 22:31:52
Can’t see anyone but Xabi.

12 Feb 2024 22:41:18
I don't see him at another PL side if Liverpool are interested. I can't think of a manager who has moved clubs to a direct rival club so Bayern would be a contentious move, as would Barcelona if he has ambitions in Madrid. My guess is he moves to Liverpool or stays at Bayer.

13 Feb 2024 06:17:52
I think Leek would love Big Sam at the club, so he can say how unambitious FSG are. Personally I'd go for Neil Warnock.

FSG OUT. So unambitious.

13 Feb 2024 07:40:30
Good morning ed002,
Just our of interest, who would be your first choice to replace Klopp?


{Ed002's Note - I think Alonso would be a good choice. I expect Klopp would support Julian Nagelsmann.}

13 Feb 2024 10:19:48
Hi eds, i would choose Julian Nagelsmann ahead of Alonso. Alonso could crumble badly if face with adversity e. g losing league by 1 pt or losing CL final, or faced with injury crisis.

13 Feb 2024 10:48:44
Alonso is a humble, quiet man, who I believe will be lead by a longer term vision. If BL win the league and get into the CL as champs, surely he will stay for another season.
At the same time, it seems clear that LFC and RM are his two dream tickets as a manager, and perhaps a long stint at each is what beckons.

13 Feb 2024 12:17:02
@ Centrepoint, humility is nice but not required for top manager. Is Paisley a humble man? He said the" only 2 teams Merseyside joke. "

We need a serial winner, someone who has suffered failure, who can pick up pieces if things don't go as planned and go get the next one.

{Ed001's Note - that wasn't Paisley. Please don't make up nonsense out of ignorance. Paisley was one of the most humble men ever. Your ignorance is astonishing.}

13 Feb 2024 17:54:31
Bayern will do what they do best and poach the best players from them to make it a one horse race again so pointless him staying if that happens.

14 Feb 2024 06:27:41
No thankyou to Julian Nagelsmann. His wife couldn't trust him, so neither will I.

14 Feb 2024 18:03:37
Has your account been hacked leek? You never used to post such nonsense in the past. Or am I mistaken?

With regards the new manager, I, like most of is would love to see Alonso.
He’d be given time due to the affiliation the fans have with him. He plays progressive football, Bayer are always looking to play forwards and move up the pitch. The formations he uses would very much suit the players Liverpool have in the squad right now and on top of all of that I think he’ll become a great manager.
Only thing is I would hate for the expectation to be so great that if, for whatever reason, he didn't join, where does that leave the club? I personally like Nagelsmann, has a touch of the Brendan Rodgers about him but I think a very good coach. Outside of those two Im a little lost for candidates that aren't an even bigger gamble.
Certainly going to be a very important summer in the short to medium term for the club.

14 Feb 2024 19:39:02
Whenever we hype things up such as Bellingham being a shoe-in, it all goes a bit Pete Tong. However we have a habit of getting a rough diamond who goes on to be a great fit. Alonso is a great fit but i cannot help feeling that he will either stay where he is and take Bayer Leverkusen on their Champions League journey or one of the Spanish giants nick him. Hopefully he comes. This may depend on who we recruit as Director of Football, as they will need to be singing off the same hymn sheet. I take it as Red that the owners will frank the plan. At the moment let's concern ourselves with the task in hand and leave the powers that be to get the job done, whatever that will be. They have been mostly spot on over the last 10 years so trust them.

14 Feb 2024 19:54:00
Scouse john, depends if he likes the loyalty and love of the Liverpool fans or take the risk of the Madrid fans turning on him and having 2 years at Madrid if he can, he would take the job at Liverpool if offered, we need to offer him it, i'm sure we are working hard on it, winning Bundesliga would be the perfect send off, no one else gives a feeling that would soften the blow of Klopp going, can't think of anyone who comes close?



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