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18 Mar 2024 22:15:51
I'm reading that Nunez has pulled out of the Uruguay squad with a reported hamstring injury, and also Diaz has a similar problem.

Hope neither is true, but that is what I have read.

Anyone else heard anything?

Agree4 Disagree0

19 Mar 2024 00:48:45
I wish he would go with Uruguay. Put him in the shop window.

19 Mar 2024 05:14:27
What you been smoking Ron?

19 Mar 2024 10:54:41
Ron!? Really!?

19 Mar 2024 11:13:46
It actually seems to be positive news in that Uruguay are working with LFC in managing Nunez and resting him so he is fit for rest of the LFC season and then the Copa America.

19 Mar 2024 11:25:31
@Ron, i agree, anyone who does not turn up with games vs ManU deserved to be sold.

19 Mar 2024 11:26:30
Ron has lost the plot have a word with yourself.

19 Mar 2024 12:12:58
You know your opinion is dead wrong when Leekuanyew agrees with you :')

19 Mar 2024 13:45:05
Lol spot on dracred, my God I don't think I'd ever be seen again on here if leek agreed with me. Would be too embarrassing. Ron give your head a good wobble mate and get over it you silly sausage :) .

19 Mar 2024 14:40:20
Leeky is the Garth Crooks of this site.

19 Mar 2024 15:54:59
Ron's recent posts have me picturing Eamonn Dunphy's "hang on, you've jumped the fence baby! " moment with Liam Brady.

19 Mar 2024 19:47:51
100 percent. Leek agrees and you know its bs!

19 Mar 2024 23:25:18
The amount of burn that Thunderbird gave leek there he can heat his house for the next ten years without paying another gas bill.

20 Mar 2024 08:36:59
on the assumption we have the same source via the world wide web, then I'v enot heard anything different.

20 Mar 2024 15:33:31
For naysayers, let's stick to facts, not emotions or whatever "burns"

i ask only 1 question, did Nunez play well in ManU game? Yes or No.

In the biggest derby that determine quruple, he failed to turn up. I rest my case your honour.

{Ed025's Note - as a Liverpool supporter you have no "Honour"lee, and as for Ron im very surprised mate, yes he never played well but has been one of your most effective players this season and scored a lot of goals, i get the disappointment with the loss to Utd but this is knee jerk and i have to say i expected better from such a seasoned poster like yourself..

20 Mar 2024 16:20:16
He assisted mac he had a shot saved which led to the second goal, and u say he never turned up, nunez is pure quality and will get at least to 22 goals or even 25 which is up there with sadio n Bobby numbers, I like most here was upset about losing on Sunday esp as we should have wrapped in up in second half but you cannot win them all, we have a brilliant team and will only get better as we move forward and was you saying the same when Nunuez scored the winner against forest?

20 Mar 2024 17:23:45

Did any of them play well against Utd? They were all off the pace, but they are bound to have a bad day at the office once in a while, just a pity it was against Utd. They have played 7 games in 21 days maybe that has something to do with it.

20 Mar 2024 18:10:04
Spoken like a man well burned Leek.

20 Mar 2024 22:04:34
Marty McFly 11, 2shoes, Klopp4pm, Dracred, Salah, Something Red,

I’ll just collect these receipts for when the new manager comes in.

I don’t rate him, we all see football differently.
If you can’t handle that, it’s your problem not mine.

If we put Nunez on the transfer list, I think we’d struggle to recoup 40 million. If some team offered 40 million I’d take it.

21 Mar 2024 01:55:21
If you are proven right and Nunez is deemed to be a lemon, I would willingly come on here to say you were right and I was wrong. I just don't see that happening though as I think there has been more things good about his game than there has been bad.

Conversely, I would hope that you would do the same too when Nunez shines and performs under the new manager ;)

21 Mar 2024 13:04:33
Nunez is improving constantly. If you can't see it, then like Klopp often says, I can't help you. He is well on his way to becoming elite. Still has a few steps to make but he is making them all the time.

He also played a big part in both goals against United so he was far from bad. Really good first half but tired.

He is well on his way. I had a bit of concern a year ago if he could make the necessary steps but his improvement this year has allayed any of those fears. I have no fear now he will become a top class player.

21 Mar 2024 13:05:18
The Nunez of last season I could see your point a bit Ron but at times he’s been fantastic this season so no you’re way off base and plain wrong.

21 Mar 2024 15:12:02
leekuanyew. your nick is blemishing the good name of the legendary leader.
played 1 bad game, out you go?
and for the Man U game, is he the only bad player?
Gakpo was shocking when he came on. Sell him by your logic.
Bradley was not up to speed. Sell him.
Elliot lost the ball which lead to winner for Man U. Sell him.

Shocking post.

21 Mar 2024 18:19:58
Nunez is more a 'battering ram' type of striker. His strength and ability to hold off other defenders whilst bringing in other players on i. e. Salah, Jota, Diaz. He mixes it with the defenders so that they draw onto him and allows others to score.

His scoring record recently has been fantastic. He is a real team player. He is unselfish.

He will get better and he is only 24.

What's not to like?

21 Mar 2024 18:31:27
Ron, if you want to 'save receipts' go right ahead. I should warn you though that I'm waiting to see will a certain poster who claimed an ex-LFC player working in punditry told him we're only signing free transfers and one other cheap player and will sell Gomez and Kelleher to balance the books last summer will crop up on here again.

So when it comes to being a total Sad Ken who remembers everything, you'd do well to get the better of me. I still remember bs people came out with when Rafa Benitez was the manager.

21 Mar 2024 19:42:18
Now to be fair I am a big fan of Nunez. However if his recent injuries continue I think we have seen the best of him.
Obviously I hope he's never injured but these type of injuries can really affect his play. He's not an out and out goal scorer.
So if he's not scoring goals and loses his pace and that bit of strength he won't bring enough to the pitch.

21 Mar 2024 21:52:53
Ron and Leek I couldn’t have a more opposite opinion to you pair regarding Nunez but keep your opinions coming.



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