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05 Feb 2024 18:16:00
Okay- I've got my Flak jacket and tin helmet on so here goes.

What's thoughts on cashing in on Trent

For me- over a number of months including last season- he's going through the motions.

It may be he's lost his edge and needs a new challenge but he's nowhere near the player he was

And that's not down to playing the inverted role or playing in midfield occasionally- it's down to him looking lethargic (yesterday was a game too soon for him admittedly)

I also think Bradley's energy is infectious and gets everyone else playing at a higher tempo

Could be Coutinho all over- change to strengthen in many positions as a result.

Agree8 Disagree0

05 Feb 2024 18:28:49
He was playing some of his best football before injury, bit of an overreaction no?

05 Feb 2024 18:38:03
Amazing how quickly we forget things when we get beaten.

Trent was probably our best and most effective player in the previous two meetings with Arsenal, which happens only a few weeks ago. You might need to go back and look at the performances. Do the same for the match in April too.

Yesterday, he was clearly not quite fit. In addition to this, the right hand side ahead of him was completely new. Klopp alluded to both of those points.

When it comes to facing Martinelli, Trent isn't expected to track his speed/ runs but rather to allow Konate to take of that and be on hand to tidy up / launch attacks after the ball has been recovered. We just need to reframe what we think Trent's game should be vs what we used to think a right back had to do.

Yesterday, we effectively played with 10 men when off the ball as Gravenberch is just not Kloppball ready. That exposed Trent more than anything.

Bradley would have struggled with Gravenberch in front of him too.

As for doing it to raise funds, you don't sell the Scouser in the Team.

05 Feb 2024 18:49:43
Not a chance. Trent is amazing, from Liverpool and future captain. You put him at the top of the list not to to be sold. Untouchable.

It's small club thinking to cash in on your stars particularly at Trent's age.

05 Feb 2024 18:51:10
It’s a no from me!

05 Feb 2024 18:51:25
I’m not referring to yesterday game, I did say yesterday was probably too early for him

To me he looks like he’s not enjoying being there.

05 Feb 2024 19:08:25
People say Grav doesn’t make a difference on the pitch but the counter argument is he makes all our players worse apparently.

{Ed025's Note - and yet some of his attributes are "world class" JK...apparently.. :)

05 Feb 2024 19:11:48
You should watch the latest Inside Training clip on YouTube Paisley79. You’ll see a happier player.

05 Feb 2024 19:13:48
Stopped reading at 'What's thoughts on cashing in on Trent'.

05 Feb 2024 19:22:07
No from me. He can be a worldy at times. Can’t base it on how he played yesterday. Clearly unfit after returning from injury. Bradley is hopefully going to be special too.

05 Feb 2024 19:45:49
Me too, Salah. I scrolled down to see the responses rather than read the rest. That would be time wasted I am never getting back.

05 Feb 2024 19:51:50
Stop it. Lol
He’s probably the very last player I’d cash in on.

05 Feb 2024 20:24:56
Trent will be our next captain. No way should he be sold.

I wish though he would look more interested and intense in his defending. One time Martinelli went past him so easily and Trent just bloody stood there and never moved. That wasn’t about speed it was about desire.

05 Feb 2024 20:37:03
I’d recommend going to see a doctor for your case of kneejerkitis

We didn’t move to sell Coutinho. He wanted to go, an offer came and we worked with him.

I’ll miss when Klopp goes cos I’m not sure we will get another manager as fiercely loyal and protective of his players because they are our players. What he said about Joe Gomez and nursing him through his injuries is what we do because he’s our boy. When majority here would have cut their losses asap for the next shiny toy.

Will 100% miss Klopp’s heart when he goes.

05 Feb 2024 21:46:38
What on Earth for? Knee jerk reaction much?

06 Feb 2024 00:52:51
Exactly Faith. Some see Klopp’s loyalty as a weakness but I think it’s a major strength.

These boys know that he’s got their back no matter what the outside world is saying which is why they’ll run themselves into the ground for him.

There have been numerous players in the current first 11 that have been criticised and called not good enough but he’s stuck by them and reaped the rewards for it.

I will definitely miss his humanity when he goes.

06 Feb 2024 02:43:26
Not sell, but perhaps not right back any more,

06 Feb 2024 03:00:34
Because of one bad game when he wasn’t fully fit? Jesus.

06 Feb 2024 06:58:43
Yo Ed25.what's up mate? All good.

That was a "World Class" capitulation by us. we were just utter dross on Sunday

For the sake of peace and happiness. LFC should refrain from buying any player whose name is Ryan. Will save some of us fans a lot of grief and despair


{Ed025's Note - it was very poor JLC , but not the end of the world mate and im sure your "worldies" will bounce back this week..

06 Feb 2024 07:24:24
Imagine if we lose 2 games on the trot?

06 Feb 2024 08:18:28
FlashTheRed, hide you wife and kids, double bolt your doors and windows cos the sky will be falling at that point.

06 Feb 2024 08:32:58
Surprisingly that 4 posters gave the thumbs up ?. It’s a definite ? for me.

06 Feb 2024 09:12:22
Just stop playing the lad at right back and stick in midfield for crying out load! Job done! A midfield of TAA sobosla and Macca / endo, rotated with Elliot, GB, Thiago etc sounds good.

06 Feb 2024 09:28:04
Thing is with trent, a decent winger can easily beat him, this pushing up and creating goals and chances comes at a price for the defence. So move him in midfield because we've got what looks like an excellent right back in Bradley .

06 Feb 2024 09:44:38
I think he thinks he ready for midfield and wants to be there, he should be there, he should be the cover at right back now, not Bradley.

06 Feb 2024 11:00:14
So we don't want two world class players in each position, then?

06 Feb 2024 11:32:51
Great footballer, terrible defender. Nowhere near captain material!

06 Feb 2024 14:48:20
I blame Dolce and Gabana for this, personally.

06 Feb 2024 18:06:38
Trent needs to be in midfield. Everyone knows it, he wants it. It's only a matter of time. The only question then will be which of our current midfielders goes to make room because we have way too many now.

07 Feb 2024 07:46:47
to be fair, we've always had loads of midfielders. We've carried 8-9 consistently for years.

07 Feb 2024 07:53:44
Like I said in a different thread last week, two good games from Bradley and we are a couple of weeks away from suggesting we get rid of TAA. My mistake was that it was less than a week before someone put his flak jacket and tin hat on before suggesting it. It would be funny if it wasn’t sad (or so predictable) .

07 Feb 2024 20:42:13
West Derby Wanderer3, recency bias does not even begin to describe what you just posted, my guy.



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