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11 Feb 2024 22:25:11
Seem like top teams like Arsenal, Citeh, manU, Spurs are going full throttle, intense on biz end of season. If we don't buck up, we will end season with nothing.

Agree5 Disagree0

11 Feb 2024 22:36:23
Yet we are the ones at the top of the league and the only team out of the "top teams" to be in a final so far.


11 Feb 2024 23:13:13
Buck up from what?

12 Feb 2024 00:12:08
If you look at PL clubs’ form you over their last 5 league games only City have gained more points than us - your observation is ridiculous @Lee.

12 Feb 2024 00:39:53
I think the last time Leek regarded Liverpool as “top team” was in the 90s and 00s when he was a Man Utd fan bemoaning SAF’s lack of European success and calling for him to get the sack.

12 Feb 2024 01:01:16
All those “top teams” who are coincidently not top.

12 Feb 2024 05:55:51
Are we going half throttle or something lol.

12 Feb 2024 06:16:36
Manchester United? The club that is 13 points behind us? You continue to embarrass yourself. You lack of football knowledge is matched only by your obsession with average Asian football players.

12 Feb 2024 06:39:04
Lee can I suggest you watch Carl Barron for an hour.

12 Feb 2024 07:32:32
Leek I’m guessing you’ve gone for a few nibbles here.

Currently we have the most hotly contested league title chase in premier league history and we are currently top of the pile.

It looks very much like the battle for the title is between us, City and Arsenal and then 4-6 it’s Spurs, Villa and Utd.

The advantage we potentially have is that Arsenal and City have to go full throttle in the CL whilst we could still utilise our squad in the Europa.

The disadvantage we have is that our squad is hit with injuries so we might actually lose that better squad advantage.

Looking at the fixtures all the top 6 teams still have to play each other and I think City on paper have the hardest games left as they have to play them all including Chelsea.

Whoever wins the league this season will have to fight till the very end for it.

I think there’s lots of twists and turns to go but I’d love to see Klopp go out with that open top bus around Liverpool with the premier league trophy.

What a send off that would be to the great man.

12 Feb 2024 08:58:09
For all you naysayers, did you watch arsenal beat westham away 6-0? Did you watch the swagger no panic performance of Citeh over Everton?

We lost against arsenal, it was a bad performance against a team determined correct past mistakes, they are learning.

The top of league position is deceptive as city has a game in hand. I am talking about the performance, which so far is not title winning.

12 Feb 2024 09:07:42
Hopefully we should have a few more players back for this weekend Allison, Gomez, Konate maybe Salah and Saboz. would be nice to have Connor but I understand if he’s not ready.

12 Feb 2024 08:14:26
JK23, ill counter that by saying our short term injuries could be to our advantage as those players are resting before the run-in. Whichever clubs get their first-team players injured in March/ April could find themselves hamstrung (excuse the pun) .

12 Feb 2024 08:23:20
I think if you left off Spurs and United, you would have got a better reaction. You made it too ridiculous to get serious reactions.

12 Feb 2024 09:43:36
Idreamofgin I think I didn’t explain truly what I meant in my first comment mate. I was talking advantage of being able to use our squad in Europe as City and Arsenal won’t be able too.

I expect all 3 teams to go as strong as physically possible in the league games from here in depending on fitness and injuries.

In Europa we’ve made 8 plus changes to weekend games.

12 Feb 2024 10:45:05
Leek not a naysayer mate. Just a difference of opinion. Keep posting away as I enjoy reading your posts regardless of if they are the opposite to mine.

12 Feb 2024 10:55:05
Would that be the same West Ham that we dismantled in the cup a couple weeks ago?
The same City that Liverpool got a creditable draw away from home against?
If you can't squeeze any joy out of the season so far then you’re in the wrong sport.

12 Feb 2024 10:29:34
We’ve done so well with basically half our first team squad since late December! Imagine us soon now that everyone is coming back from injuries.

City are our biggest rivals this season. Arsenals first team is very good but for me a few injuries can unravel them fast. Not to mention they’ve got away games left at the big teams which doesn’t favour them.

Either way let’s just enjoy the ride lads and Klopps final season. I remember how bad it got before klopp came and I’m just so glad we’ve got to really enjoy the football since he arrived.

12 Feb 2024 11:22:15
We didn’t play very well on Saturday, but Trafford made 7 saves.

Pickford made 1. I didn’t watch the City game, but I’m assuming from that stat that it wasn’t a walkover.

I know Everton aren’t a poor side but even without the 10 point deduction they’d still be lower half.

It doesn’t sound like City are flying to me.

Arsenal had a great result, but things can change very quickly in football.

All 3 teams are excellent on their day and will win the majority of their remaining games.

As JK says, whoever wins is going to have to fight for it.

They’ll need to play well, dig out some results, and have some luck along the way.

I just hope the team that wins in the end really deserve it, and that it’s not decided by some dodgy refereeing decisions.

12 Feb 2024 11:22:35
"If we don't buck up, we will end season with nothing. "

Leek you see, I was with you until the absolute train wreck of a statement above. I know you like to make these comments to get a reaction and clearly it worked BUT seriously, that last part makes no sense at all.

Oh and I did see Arsenal beat WH 6-0. The same WH team we battered 5-1 and 3-1 and Anfield. The same WH that got cooked 5-0 at the mighty Fulham and smoke 3-0 at The Toilet. So what? We lost to Arsenal. Again, so what? We should pack it in and onto next season? City have a game in hand. You do know that we will also have a game in hand as well next week cos of the Cup final? You are also aware that if w win all our remaining games this season, we will WIN the title? Mate, do you even do any research at all before you spout your stuff? Clearly, not.

Look Leek, it seems you are trying to convince yourself by trying to convince others that we won't win the title and that an opinion you can have. However IMO, There's no need to start making strange and negative comments and calling people "naysayers" cos they disagree. Mate, get a grip.

12 Feb 2024 11:28:40
I kind of get Leeks point regarding the performances. We have had a fair few games were we have been very shaky and needed a late goal or two to win it. Also, if some of the teams we played against finished their chances, it could be a totally different story.

It seems City have started one of their annoyingly good winning runs at the right time. They are also coasting through games and importantly, keeping clean sheets. With KDB and Haaland back, it is going to be very difficult to look beyond City winning another title.

12 Feb 2024 11:42:44
I think we have looked better as the season has gone on myself. The early months looked a bit dodgy at times but we had a whole new midfield so we can forgive them. We seem to have gelled as a team as the seasons progressed and even rode out a period of injuries/ Asian and African cups. I think we are in great shape for the last leg of the season.

12 Feb 2024 12:25:07
"it is going to be very difficult to look beyond City winning another title. ".

IMO, That will only be a thing IF anyone thought this would be easy. Many of us already know it will be very difficult and Im pretty sure the players and the staff know that as well. I don't think there is any need to be reminded of such things over and over again which many people think Leek is doing as if he is trying to convince himself by convincing the rest of us that we will find it tough to win the title.

News Flash: We all already knew that. No point reminding us of the flipping obvious. And then calling the rest of us "naysayers" cos we disagree with his take. That's not on, in my view either.

12 Feb 2024 13:26:18
Thing is. Performances don’t win titles, wins and points do.

So far so good….

12 Feb 2024 13:45:36
Ok so I watched City against Everton and to me they looked like they were struggling. They weren’t coasting or conserving energy they were struggling to create any chances of note. They then scored with their first attempt on target in the 70th minute from a set piece with a lucky deflection falling to Haaland. Even then Pickford should’ve saved it.

We created chance after chance against Burnley. It could and should’ve been more than 3-1 yet according to some it’s us that’s struggling?

Yes if Burnley take their chances it’s a different game just like if Everton take their chances it’s a different game for City. That’s football!

Arsenal winning 6-0 at West Ham is irrelevant the first 3 goals were from set pieces and West Ham just threw in the towel after the second goal. They didn’t put in a single tackle in the whole game actually.

It amazes me how so called Liverpool fans are so quick to laud other teams yet can’t see that our team are a results machine. We get the job done time and time again but because the opposition has a chance in the game we have to buck our ideas up? Seriously?

12 Feb 2024 13:56:19
Oli, its all a game of opinions at the end of the day. I think every LFC fan wishes to send Klopp off with another PL title and there may be some that constantly put down our chances purely so they don't feel to disappointed if/ when we don't win the title.

At least Leeks post has sparked a decent discussion, the banter page has been a bit slow the last few weeks for some reason, so I'mm up for seeing some fresh posts.

12 Feb 2024 16:38:39
Of course we judge teams on one performance and then start panicking.
Arsenal can win all their games from now until the end of the season with as much swagger as they want being 5-0 up inside 20 minutes.

They are relying on Liverpool dropping points to stay in the race so Arsenal are irrelevant.

It’s easy to play well when your chasing, much harder when you’re top of the pile - as Arsenal know only too well.

12 Feb 2024 18:21:52
At least he is consistent with his "surprising" (the mildest word I could think of) posts. ?.

12 Feb 2024 18:47:49
Ah Leek, that would be the West Ham that currently haven’t won (now) in 7 games and Everton who have won one in 11. Real benchmark results for Arsenal and City those.

For much of the season we have shown grit and determination. In a tight title battle that goes a long way.



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