Liverpool banter 246780


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05 Feb 2024 10:35:15
Ok, the Liverpool rumours live chat is moving to approved posters only. That means you can read the live chat, but you can't post on live chat unless you're on the approved posters list.

If you're a regular and not on the below list, you can ask to be added to the Liverpool live chat approved posters list.

Below is the current list:

Alonso1786, ArAy1969, Bill, Boonx, canadianscouse, DAN-ISH, dbav, Elliott Ness, Endo3, Fowlersleftsock, hsf, JB12, JK23, JLC, Jerrin, Jiddon, Jimjim, johnnyr1970, Kman92, KoPeNdFaN, LFC-S MANGO, Leekuanyew, Liss, LiverpoolFC8, MIZER, MRobinson, Magico1234, Mcgoveb, Mr Bean, Paisley79, Red-Will-is-1, RedScarface, Reusch, Rome1977!, Rum Lad, SG8greatest, Salah, SamiKewell, Sanjit, Seano_, Shayan, SirWenger, Sofa_Fan, - Something Red -, StEtienneAmen, thehop95, The Irish Rover, Thomo121, Trip, Ugbes, ViktorVaughan, WYred, Wassa-lfc, Klopping, Pegleg, Zeddicus, 1985mikey1985, Bobby Banana, IDreamOfGin, Andros, Westwood666, snugglepool, Ron Keague

Agree20 Disagree0

05 Feb 2024 12:51:47
What is this live chat everyone keeps talking about? I wouldn’t even know how to get on it!

Is it any good?

05 Feb 2024 11:11:12
Thanks, ED033. I don't watch games live anyway and only watch it recorded in the evening so Im all good, personally.

{Ed033's Note - Ok.

05 Feb 2024 13:20:38
This is great news ed033. ??.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks.

05 Feb 2024 13:24:42
Thats a great place during live games.

Yesterday wasn't a great time but it reflected our game very much.

Also good place to let out frustration. esp for games like yesterday.


05 Feb 2024 13:27:21
Thanks Ed33, I can't always get on but when I can it's interesting lol. BP it comes up at the top of this page mate and has a link you can access to direct you to the chat. On match days you will see it appear.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks.

05 Feb 2024 13:43:02
Thank god Koppers isn't part of the list, a person who shouldn't be anywhere near the site after yesterday and the way they spoke to Bill, disgusting. An approved user list will sort that problem out. Well played.

05 Feb 2024 13:45:13
Thanks Ed033. It's a shame and pity that anything on these sites have to become restrictive, because the beauty is that they're free and available to all. But "self-policing" by chatters doesn't work at times (like last night) . And like most times it's always one individual who is the spark and causes problems for the entire collective.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks.

05 Feb 2024 13:49:28
I have seen people talking about live chats a few times, but I really don't know where and how to access it! Sounds fun, thought. But I stay away :)

05 Feb 2024 14:16:33
Thanks Ed033, a big fan of the live chat. Yes it can get tetchy at times but that's what football can do to us. Don't get on as much as I used to but getting to discuss the game and share opinions with other fans really adds to watching the game from the comfort of your home!

05 Feb 2024 14:31:36
I dip in on the odd away game, because I'm lucky enough to be at most of the home games. I rise to the bait of some of the posters, who I swear can't be Liverpool supporters. This was the case during yesterday's game, when if you were new to football you'd have thought we were bottom of the table, judging by some of the posts. I appreciate football is a game of opinion, but.

05 Feb 2024 14:33:06
Thanks Ed 33, aye BP there's a link at the top of the banter page on match days - same regular cast tbh, almost like sitting at the pub with a bunch of friends. Lots of different opinions and jokes etc flying about. It can be depressing after a loss but it's the way it goes and unfortunately you get the odd (well the same) troll appearing but apart from that it's all good and all are welcome.

Oh, for any newbies to the live chat, we do have a thing where we all criticise Jota a lot on there - this is an inside joke as we've found he usually does very well off the back of such critique so if you see that there's no cause for concern, it's all good lol!

05 Feb 2024 14:49:02
So how do you get on the approved list?

{Ed033's Note - You submit some text saying something like, 'Please add me to the live chat approved list'.

05 Feb 2024 15:40:33
Salah, it is exactly because of how Kopper was talking to Bill and me, last night. Incredible, it was going on for almost an hour after the match had already ended. Bill has high self restraint and patience, my fuse is shorter unfortunately. ? Anyway, all good. The live chat is a great fun place during games, and I hope it continues to be.

05 Feb 2024 16:35:03
Peg leg if you send me your full name, account number, sort code and security pin I can sort it ?.

05 Feb 2024 16:43:35
I can vouch for JK23. Your details are safe in his hands ?.

05 Feb 2024 17:01:25
Alonso next seasons tickets are on me. Well they’ll be on Peg leg but you know what I mean ?.

05 Feb 2024 17:20:52
Jk23, inbox me and I’ll gladly give them to you.

05 Feb 2024 17:19:48
Ed33, please could you add me to the approved chat list group.

05 Feb 2024 17:39:17
Pls add me to approved list for live chat.

05 Feb 2024 17:40:30
Great idea Ed033, will make it a much less toxic atmosphere. And JK, Big John says ‘hi’!

Is it possible to get added to the list? I used to be on there a lot more, but when the kids started spamming it I backed off!

{Ed033's Note - Klopping, Pegleg, Zeddicus added

05 Feb 2024 18:07:32
Cheers ed.

05 Feb 2024 19:11:07
Aren’t most of the names on the approved list just Harry’s alter egos?

He’ll be having a chat with himself again - just like on the Man City banter site ?.

05 Feb 2024 19:53:47
Go on then add me.
Not been on for a while but now you’re cleaning it up it might be fun again.

05 Feb 2024 20:27:19
Good work Ed. Kopper was bang out of order to ArAy and Bill.

05 Feb 2024 19:09:12
Thanks Ed033.

05 Feb 2024 21:52:40
Zed, Harry's been conspicuously quiet of late. I wonder which other club's players he's been trashing. ?.

05 Feb 2024 23:56:53
I might just change my name to kopper and watch everyone lose their Siht ?.

06 Feb 2024 07:07:58
So we know what to do to get into the list. but what is the criteria for getting kicked off the list.

{Ed033's Note - 'Kopper' type posting on there.

06 Feb 2024 01:39:10
Please add me to the live chat approved list.

I am not that regular but get on when i can.

{Ed033's Note - Added

06 Feb 2024 03:35:42
Please add me to the live chat too Ed.

{Ed033's Note - Added

06 Feb 2024 09:49:18
Great idea Ed33, your hand was forced to take this action, but it's definitely the right thing to do as Kopper did get more and more difficult to ignore.

{Ed033's Note - Right.

06 Feb 2024 09:51:03
Hi Ed033, can I be added to the list. I promise to behave.

{Ed033's Note - Added.

06 Feb 2024 18:08:17
And me please Ed. I live in the midlands and not many LFC supporting friends so be good to be a part of it.

{Ed033's Note - Added.

06 Feb 2024 18:56:59
I haven't joined in awhile, but I'd love to be able to chat in this new wholesome venue. Please add me if you please!

06 Feb 2024 19:32:15
Excellent idea Ed ???.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks.

07 Feb 2024 02:16:18
Please add me to the live chat approved list Ed033.

I don’t get to as many matches these days so I often watch on the box.

No BarryinLouth? ?.

{Ed033's Note - Ron Keague added.

07 Feb 2024 11:55:56
Can't wait to see how Harry works his way into the chat now. or that Ballot character. or were they the same person?

@Ed33, I wasn't on the chat in the past game where Kopper gave the abuse that he did.
He normally sprouts major abuse at the players and Klopp, and this time I believe he directed it at some of the posters. either way, whilst we all get emotional during these tough games, I'd like to think that most of us can control ourselves

A difficult decision that you had to make, but the right one at the end of the day.

{Ed033's Note - i would say Harry and Kopper are not the same person.

07 Feb 2024 21:37:42
You looking for me Ron League?

{Ed001's Note - nobody is looking for you, other than the Garda, which is why you have been so quiet as there was no wifi while you were on the lam.}

08 Feb 2024 17:49:53
You asking me Barry?

Yes mate, how are you fella?

And thanks to 33 ?.

09 Feb 2024 08:37:13
Oh Ed, you are a card!
Quality response.



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